Chapter 24: N̪͔̣͇̩e͈̙̮̼r͖̫͚͞v̗̭͕͙̹̭͝ͅe͙̗͉̘s͙̻̠͖̜

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The ride was painfully quiet as Mardon drove to the new location with Audrey in the passenger seat.

She glanced at Mardon, wanting to say something but hesitating, unsure of what to say.

"Where are we going?" Audrey muttered, glancing out the window as he continued to drive.

Mardon didn't answer, he was still giving her a silent treatment for the stunt she pulled. But after a while even the silence was getting to him too.

"Tell me-" Mardon spoke up after a while, clearing the air of the awkward silence "What do you like most about having your powers?"

Audrey hesitated, unsure of what she really liked about them.

"I guess the rush of having control over something" She replied after thinking for a few seconds.

Mardon smirked to himself as he focused on driving, the answer she had given him sounded so similar to what he would've said.

"So you like the power?"

Audrey gave him a small nod in reply, it was a like an adrenyln rush when she got to use them. And even more when she'd stay in control.

"Good to know" Mardon smirked more.

Audrey glanced at him, he seemed to have calmed down a bit but, the look on his face was deceiving.

Audrey glanced at him, he seemed to have calmed down a bit but, the look on his face was deceiving

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"You know-"

'Here we go'

She groaned mentally as Mardon spoke, knowing he was just getting started with whatever was on his mind.

She glanced at him once more, waiting to hear what he had to say. He seemed amused at whatever was going on in his head.

"You could always get more out of your powers than just robbing banks-"

"What are you saying?" Audrey asked in reply.

Mardon shrugged as he looked at the road ahead as he drove "you'd have alot more fun joining the big leagues, kid-"

"You mean like you and Snart" Audrey interrupted "to be a criminal."

He gave her another shrug "it's not as bad as it sounds, trust me" Mardon replied but she wasn't buying that.

"You're all murderers-"

"Everyone's got skeletons in their closet" Mardon scoffed "Even those people you hang with have all killed someone somehow, even that Scarlett Speedster."

Audrey hesitated, she didn't know much about Barry and the others but she refused to believe they we're what Mardon said.

"They wouldn't do that, Flash is a hero" She said while glaring at Mardon but he only smirked more.

"Believe whatever you want kid, but you'll see sooner or later- Don't you think The Flash would've found you by now if he actually cared?"

"Shut up!" Audrey snapped but Mardon only laughed at her frustration "Oh you know I'm right" He replied.

Audrey glared more, she knew he was just trying to get under her skin but what if he was right about them.

Mardon only laughed more as he pulled into the driveway of a new location. It was too dark to look around but the place looked barren.

But as much as she tried to ignore him, Mardon really knew how to strike a nerve with her.


As the two got out of the car and went inside, both Audrey and Mardon couldn't help but look around at tue dark hallways that greeted them.

The building was dimly lit on the inside but completely dark on the outside.

"Where are we?" Audrey asked for what seemed like the hundredth time.

This time Mardon decided to reply, even if it eas a vague one.

"Somewhere where no one can find us.."

Audrey rolled her eyes a bit, wishing they could've atleast chose somewhere more liveable.

"Do all bad guys like abandoned buildings?" She asked but damned herself for saying it almost immediately.

Mardon gave her a chuckle "depends-"

"On what?" She asked.

He glanced at her before speaking, holding back a smirk "Where were you hiding out at before Flash found you?" He asked but Audrey groaned quietly.

She quickly caught onto where he was going with this.

"An old hospital building-"

"And by old you mean abandoned?" Mardon smirked more "Then yes, all bad guys love their abandoned buildings as hide outs."

Audrey glared as he spoke, he really did like messing with her.

"I'm not a bad guy!"

Mardon just chuckled more at her "Keep telling yourself that-"

She glared more but Mardon wasn't done speaking, he found it amusing how naive Audrey was to herself and her powers.

"You really think someone like you, with powers like yours can be good? You've done more harm than good since you got them" He remarked to her.

Audrey's glare faded as she looked away, going quiet after what seemed like a minute.

He always found a way to use her words against her, even if he was right.

"Cat's got your tongue?" Mardon joked as his latest reply seemed to shut her up.

After walking around the building some more, trying to find whichever room Snart decided to use as base, they finally managed to find it.

Mardon stopped at the foot of the door before turning his attention to Audrey once again.

"Ladies first."

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