Chapter 8: O̫͉pt̫̙̹i̻̙͈̻̲̖m̪̼̘̜i̺̦͔s̵̭m͔͎̟̙̮̹̀

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"So what do you say?"

Barry had asked Audrey to come to what seemed like a family dinner with him and his friends. It seemed like a sweet offer to her but she didn't want to intrude "Thanks, but I wouldn't want to be a bother" "You wouldn't" Barry insisted.

Audrey shook her head a bit, still not wanting to impose "Thanks but it's fine, I'll be fine" she replied.

"Are you sure? Do you have a place to stay?" Caitlin asked this time "I mean-" "I said I'm fine, but thanks anyways" Audrey insisted even more.

Both Barry and Caitlin nodded, deciding to stop pestering her.

"Well in case you change your mind the offer still stands."

Audrey nodded back "thanks" she replied but Barry gave her a small smile "you're welcome, we're always here to help if you need it" "same goes to you all."

Barry smiled more before glancing at his phone "oh Iris texted me, she said dinner's gonna be ready soon" he said looking at Caitlin then Cisco "we should be leaving soon."

"I'll get my coat" "And I'll change out of my Vibe gear" Cisco responded to Caitlin with a nod "meet me in the Cortex in five" "Easy for you to say, Flash" Cisco joked.

Barry rolled his eyes and smirked "just don't be late."


After leaving Star Labs, the team met up at Joe's house for dinner and movie night, something they did frequently. The night was going well for everyone, dinner left everyone stuffed. Barry and Iris were in the living room talking about one of Iris' newest articles while the others gathered in the kitchen for drinks.

"So Barry" Iris interrupted their previous conversation when another came to mind "hypothetical question, but I've been thinking a lot lately of what we would've done.. or what could've become of us if I would've been the one to get powers" she said to him quietly "or if we both had powers."

Barry was taken back a bit, knowing Iris was always secretly envious of Caitlin, Cisco and himself for having powers but he never thought she would want to talk about that topic.

"Well, I know for certain that whatever would've happened to us, it would never change the way I feel for you Iris West" Barry replied "and besides, even if you did get powers, I know you'd be surrounded by people who would still love and support you like me, and Joe."

Iris smiled warmly at Barry, feeling a small blush on her cheeks "Aw Barry that might just be the sweetest thing you've ever said to me "she replied as Barry smiled back" well it's the truth, and I'll always be there for you, Iris."

"Thank you, Barry" "Anything for you" he replied.

The two both shared warm smiles before Joe walked in the room, sensing the tone but cleared his throat "Uh hey guys, Cisco's about to start the movie" Joe interrupted "right, we'll join in a second" Barry nodded.

Joe gave him a quick nod in reply before rejoining the others in the next room leaving Barry and Iris alone once more.

"So I guess we should go watch the movie now" Iris muttered but not before Barry stole a quick kiss from her "now we can go" he smirked, causing Iris to blush once more "Barry Allen, a sweet talker and a sly fox" she joked making Barry let out a small chuckle "that's me."

As Barry started to lead Iris into the other room, a knock at the door turned his attention to it "did you invite anyone else?" Barry asked Iris but she shook her head "maybe Caitlin or Cisco did? or Joe?" Iris asked in reply but this time Barry shook his head "no, no one mentioned anything like that."

Barry walked over to the door preparing himself for anything. A few thoughts raced through his mind as he reached the handle; A meta human attack? Harry? It could've been anything but as he opened the door he quickly let out a small sigh of relief. Standing at the door was Audrey, dressed in the same clothing as earlier; slightly ripped jeans and a black hoodie.

"Oh hey, I thought you said you didn't want to come?" He asked her but she gave a small shrug "I reconsidered" she replied.

Barry nodded and quickly opened the door wider for her as she hesitantly walked in the house "thanks for coming after all" he said while closing it behind her "Iris this is Audrey. Audrey this is Iris" he introduced the two while Joe walked in the room with a small look of confusion on his face.

"Barry I didn't know you invited a guest."

Barry rubbed the back of his neck for a second "it was last minute, long story" he replied "she's a meta.."

This time both Iris and Joe shared a surprised look "why didn't you tell us you found a new Meta?" Iris asked but Barry chuckled a bit nervously "because- she was the one behind the robbery at Central City Bank earlier" he replied which didn't seem to help his case at this point.


"Like I said it's a long story but I can explain- She's not dangerous, guys trust me on this" Barry insisted but Joe was still doubtful and Barry knew this.

"Joe don't worry, trust me on this" he insisted.

Joe sighed a bit and nodded, patting Barry on the back "Alright, I trust you Barry" he replied.

"Thanks Joe" Barry nodded.

Joe gave him a small smile before going to the kitchen, probably for another drink, leaving Barry and Iris alone with Audrey.

"Hey, Caitlin and Cisco are in the living room why don't you go say hi" He suggested to Audrey. She gave him a quick nod and went to join the others, now leaving Barry alone with Iris.

"So, should I be asking questions?"

Barry shook his head "there's nothing to worry about, she's just been through a lot, we offered her help back at Star Labs but she was a little hard to convince" "Well it seems like you got through to her somehow, it's a small step but it's something" Iris replied.

"So you're not mad about me not telling you-" "Of course I'm not, I think it's great what you're doing. Barry Allen, the kindness in your heart never seizes to amaze me" She smiled at him "that's why I love you."

Barry smiled back "and I love you too, Iris" he replied "now, we should get back to the movie before Joe goes digging for more details" he joked but she nodded "good idea."

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