Chapter 10: Do̖wn͕̕p̴̭o̝̭̝̹̫u͉̣̦̰̪̼̝r̥͚̼̙ͅ

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"You guys in position?"

Both Caitlin and Cisco were back at Star Labs, doing what they'd always do when there was a Meta attack. Barry on the other hand was downtown, staking out the perimeter where Mark Mardon aka Weather Wizard was spotted earlier.

"Yeah, but no sign of Mardon yet" Barry replied as he scanned the streets for the Meta. The storm surrounding the area started to grow larger and more severe as they waited.

"I'm running facial recognition now, I'll let you know when we find something" Cisco said through the comms as he continued to work on the computers back at Star Labs "there seems to be multiple cold signatures in your area" the closest one is less than a block away."

"Got it, thanks Cisco" Barry nodded before turning to Audrey as she waited for instructions "here's the plan, you stay here and keep an eye out.. If you see Mardon, be careful he's dangerous" Barry told her.

"Try doing that trick you did on me if you have to" He added as Audrey gave him a nod in reply.

Barry nodded back before speeding away to continue his search. She was nervous to be out playing the hero besides the flash but she wanted to help in anyway she could.

While Barry sped around the neighborhood, Audrey stayed in the same location he left her in, scanning the empty streets for any sign of Mardon but no luck had come yet.

"See anything yet?" Barry asked her through the comms he gave her but she shook her head "nothing yet."

"Well let's keep looking then" He replied while continuing his search "he has to be here somewhere."

Audrey nodded and continued to look around as well as it started to rain in the area. The weather was surely picking up but they found it weird that there was still no sign of Weather Wizard.

"Are you sure he's even still in the area?" She asked through the comms "he has to be, the weather around your location appears to be getting worse, he has to be doing this somewhere nearby" Cisco replied as he continued to work on the computers, trying to think of a plan.

"Try drawing him out somehow" he suggested.

Audrey looked around, Barry still hadn't come back yet.

"Fine, I'll give it a shot" She nodded, walking into the street "let's see if he likes the light show."

Taking a look around her surroundings the street lights was the first thing to catch her eye. With one look, each of the street lights begin to blow sparks as transformers in the distance shorted out, creating enough noise to draw attention.


Audrey looked around, waiting to see any sign of Mark Mardon aka Weather Wizard. She wasn't sure as to what he even look like but she was sure his appearance would stick out, hopefully.

After a few minutes of waiting, Audrey was beginning to think it was a failed attempt to luer Mardon until the rain began to pick up, pouring now. The visibility of the streets quickly diminished as the rain continued to come down, soaking her in the process.

"Barry? Where are you?" Audrey asked through the comms as she tried to look around but could barely see down the street "guys?"

There was no reply, neither Barry or Cisco was answering.

"The storm must've knocked out the comms" She muttered to herself, attempting to use her abilities to fix it, but no luck.

"Now what's a girl like you doing out in a storm like this?" A male voice spoke.

"Now what's a girl like you doing out in a storm like this?" A male voice spoke

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Audrey quickly turned around to see a man also drenched in the rain. He seemed to he around Barry's age, he had light to medium brown hair with a small heard. He wore a black jacket with the hood up but she could still see his face "who are you?" She asked but he smirked "you first."

"I asked you first" Audrey glared, earning a chuckle from the man "feisty I see, the name's Mardon" he replied, stepping closer to her.

Audrey took a step back with every step he took. She looked around for any sign of Barry but still nothing. He seemed to notice as well.

"The Flash isn't gonna come to the rescue this time."

"What did you do?" She asked hesitantly but he chuckled more "don't worry your pretty little head about it."

"What did you do? She repeated "where's Flash?"

A small smirk appeared on Mardon's face as he stepped closer to her, reaching out and brushing his hand against her cheek. She flinched at his touch, making him smirk more.

"He's down for the count, it's just you and me now."

Her breathing hitched as he raised his free hand, creating a large hail mass "now" Mardon smirked more "I told you my name, tell me yours" he threatened.

She glanced at his hand, unsure of what he'd do "Audrey" she muttered, feeling herself shutter from the sudden temperature drop around them.

"See" Mardon chuckled darkly "that wasn't so hard, now was it?" He asked her as he lowered his arm, dropping the hail he created.

Audrey remained quiet, she was fearful for what Mardon could've done to Barry, and what he was going to do to her next, so she decided to take action before he could.

Before Mardon could say or do anything else, she quickly backed away, using her powers to guide a live wire into the puddle of rain water he was standing on. The puddle quickly became electrified as Mardon fell to his knees, getting electrocuted.

Audrey backed away more, watching as it staggered him but not enough to keep him down for long. Mardon groaned loudly as he was electrocuted but after a minute, he began to regain his balance using his powers to control the electricity around him.

He smirked once more but this time it was more of a darker expression "two can play at that game.."

Before Audrey could dodge in time, Mardon used his powers to strike her with the same live wire she used on him, hitting her shoulder and causing her to fall back from the sudden jolt of electricity.

She clenched her jaw, holding in a scream as she began to feel the effects of his attack. Her shoulder now bloodied and burned from the wire.

"Stings, doesn't it?" Mardon asked. He walked over, kneeling down beside her as he examined her wound "how about I buy you a drink and we'll call it even?" He asked smirking but Audrey glared "go to hell" she spat.

He shook his head before quickly pressing his hand down on her wound, she cried out in pain as he watched "didn't anyone tell you? A mouth like that will only get you in more trouble.."

Audrey closed her eyes as the pain seared through her shoulder but within seconds, it all seemed to stop. She hesitantly opened her eyes to see Mardon now on the ground beside her, unconscious as Barry stood over him. He was panting and out of breath.

"Are you ok?" He asked as he quickly went to her side. Audrey nodded hesitantly as Barry helped her off the ground, he seemed to quickly notice the wound Mardon caused, cursing himself for not getting there sooner "let's get you back to Star Labs.."

She nodded slightly, still shivering from the cold and still soaked by the rain "what happened to you?" She asked him, noticing he had a few wounds as well.

Barry shook his head "it's nothing I'll be fine" he replied quickly. He knew he was going to get an earful from Caitlin when they get back to Star Labs, and was dreading it.

"Let's go."

Picking her up carefully, Barry took off in a flash, running them back to Star Labs. Cisco helped lock up Mardon in the pipeline before he could do anymore harm while Caitlin attended to Audrey's shoulder and Barry's wounds. He felt guilty for getting her involved so soon without little to no training.

But he knew tomorrow was another day. Another chance to make up for it and help train her like he promised. And with Mardon locked up, the team felt relieved that there was now one less Meta to worry about in Central City.

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