Chapter 14: C̖̟͚̺̀ͅa̴̖̖̻͕̱͙ṯ̰̺̮ ͏͉̣a͏̟͉̙̱͖ͅn̜̥͈͖͇͙͜d ̝̙M̭͓̜͔̙͓͎oṵs̷͕̗͉̗e̵͍̹̗

395 10 0

"Go ahead. Fry me-"

Almost as on cue, the power blew in Star Labs as everything went dark. Acting quickly Audrey pulled her arm out of Mardon's grip before he had any time to react.

All that could be heard was the groans of Mardon as he struggled to find his way around in the dark.

"You can't hide from me!" He yelled but got no response.

After a few seconds the powered returned to reveal neither Audrey or Wells was in the halls with him anymore. Wells' contingency plan went as planned but, Mardon wasn't too happy with their escape.

Mardon began to walk through the halls once again, looking around for the two as he listened for any sounds they might make as they hid somewhere in the building.

The two remained quiet in another room nearby, Wells was beginning to fade in and out of conciousness from the hit he had taken earlier as Audrey kept a look out for Mardon.

"Harry?" She mumbled as she shook him gently "you need to stay awake, you might have a concussion."

Wells leaned his head against the wall as they hid in the room, his eyes strained to stay open as he held his hand over his face.

"I'll be fine" He muttered in reply but his voice wasn't convincing "You don't look fine" Audrey argued as she examined his head "why hasn't Barry or the others come back yet?"

Wells didn't answer, he was unsure as well but it had only been a few hours since they left.

"He'll come" Wells responded after a minute "but until then we'll just have to hold this Meta off for a while."

Audrey hesitated to speak as she glanced at him "I don't know if I can do this-" "You can and you will" Wells replied "It'll be ok."

Audrey nodded slightly, returning her attention to the door as they sat in silence, waiting for anything to happen.

Suddenly Audrey's phone vibrated snapping both Audrey and Wells' attention. After the sudden startle passed, she picked up the phone and unlocked it.

"It's a text from Iris, Barry must've gave her my number" She whispered to Wells as she looked at the text, reading it outloud enough for Wells to hear.

"She said 'Sorry Barry's phone died but we'll be back soon'" Audrey read it to Wells before quickly replying.

'Maron's loose, send help' Audrey texted quickly before pressing send as Wells watched.

"You think they'll come?" She asked him as he nodded slightly "They will."

Audrey nodded in reply, handing Wells her phone before standing up "where are you going?" He asked as he watched her.

She glanced at the doorway for a second before responding "this is all just a game of cat and mouse with him" Audrey muttered "he's playing with us.."

"You can't go out there" Well said in a stern yet strained voice as he tried to stand up but his head refused "He'll kill you-" "Not unless I find him first" She replied but Wells shook his head "I'm not letting you go out there!"

"You can barely stand, if he finds us again he'll kill us both" Audrey argued to Wells, trying to keep her voice down as much as possible "I can lead him away until Barry comes back-" "Not risking it, we're both staying here. Do I make myself clear?"

She groaned under her breath, wanting to run out anyways but also didn't want to leave Wells alone while he was injured and vulnerable.

"Fine" Audrey mumbled "Better hope he comes soon-"

As Audrey muttered those words, a hand quickly grabbed her by the hair, forcing her to step into the hallway where Mardon stood. A smirk appeared on his face as he observed the startled expression on her face "Well well, looks like I found you again."

Audrey's eyes widened as she looked at Mardon. His grip tightened as she attepted to struggle "let me go!" She groaned, only earning a chuckle from Mardon "fiesty as always" he smirked more "I'm not done with you yet."

In the corner of her eye Audrey could see Wells attempting to get up as he clutched his head but only to stumble back down "Let her go!" He groaned "Take me, she's just a kid!"

"That just makes it even more fun! You see if I take the kid it'll only make The Flash more eager to come after me" Mardon explained "After all, doesn't seem like he'll be showing up here anytime soon" He smirked, glancing at Audrey as he spoke.

"Now why don't you rest while me and this fiesty girl go for a drive" Mardon spoke once more before pulling her into the hall as Audrey's struggles and groans could be heard.

"Let's go for a drive."

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