Chapter 13: T̠̩͓r̶̯̟͎̘̤̘̖a̡͍̱p̨̞͍̞͓̟̠̠p̜͍e̲d

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"Did you hear that?"
Wells paused as his attention focused to the doorway to their left. He and Audrey had spent the last few hours going over codes and softwares until something caught his ears.
At first Audrey thought Wells was trying to scare her but after a few seconds passed and as Wells' expression didn't change, she began to feel the same paranoia as him.
"Hear what?" She asked almost whispering.
Wells stood up from his chair as he walked quietly over to the comms "Cisco? Caitlin?" He asked as he spoke into the microphone but no response "Hello?"
As they both waited for a response from the comms, more sounds resonated from the hallways, grabbing their attention once more.
"Did you hear it that time?" Wells asked as Audrey gave a quick nod in reply.
As they stared at the doorway filled with paranoia, an alarm began to sound on one of the computer monitor, giving them a slight scare.
"What's that?" Audrey asked quickly as Wells ran over to it "Dammit" he muttered not giving her the reassuring answer she was hoping for.
"What?" She asked, glancing over his shoulder.
Wells quickly turned off the alarm so no more attention could be drawn to their location. Quickly pulling up the security cameras to the pipelines, paranoia turned to dread.
"There's been a pipeline breach, one of the Metahumans escaped we need to call Barry now.."
"Ok ok" Audrey rushed to get out her phone as she dialed and called Barry's number "who escaped?" she asked.
He shrugged at first as he flipped through the many camera feeds trying to find the source until he stopped at the last one "there, that's the cell."
Both Audrey and Wells stared at the security feed in slight disbelief. The pipeline's cell door had been completely blown open with shattered glass covering every inch of the floor. What looked like hail and ice also mixed in with the glass which confirmed Wells' suspisions.
"Is Barry answering?"
"No, it keeps going to voicmail" Audrey replied after another attempt to call him.
Wells cursed under his breath as he remembered why Barry wasn't answering "everyone went out to eat earlier, they must've not come back yet" he replied "we need to find a place to hide. Now."
"Why? Who escaped?" Audrey asked with hesitation but Wells hesitated to respond as well "you've already met him, now let's go."
Panic began to spread inside her as she began to realize who Wells was referring to "Mardon?"
Wells didn't answer this time but instead grabbed the gun on the table beside him and grabbed her arm as well, leading the way out of the room.
"Where are we going?" She asked Wells as she followed closely but he continued to walk quickly through the halls without responding still.
As they continued to walk quickly, the lights throughout the building began to flicker.
"Is that you?" Wells asked Audrey but she shook her head "I'm not doing it" she replied.
He cursed under his breath once again as he rushed to what seemed like a hidden room "he's trying to cut the power to the building.."
Audrey watched as Wells placed his hand on the wall infront of them. His hand was quickly scanned as the tiles in the wall infront of them seperated, revealing a small futeristic looking room.
"Get in. Quickly!"
Without hesitation Audrey quickly did as he told and hurried into the room. After Wells followed in, the tiles closed in on itself once again, locking them in the room.
"What is this place?" She asked while looking around the room.
"This is the secret room the 'original Wells' built" He explained as he also looked around "We should be safe in here until Barry comes.."
"And if he doesn't?"
Wells held up his gun with both hands as she got a good look at it "Then let's hope we can hold him off ourselves."
The silence drowned out the room as they both watched the door waiting for the next sound or shuffle but as they waited, nothing came.
"You think he took off?" Audrey asked in a whisper as Wells continued to stare at the door with his gun aimed and ready "I don't know but we can't be too sure" he replied whispering as well.
"How long should we wait in here then?"
Wells shrugged "Until Barry shows up."
Audrey gave him a small nod, unsure if the coast was actually clear or not. But after a while of waiting, the silence quickly changed.
More shuffling became audible as the sound of footsteps approached them in the halls.
Wells quickly released the safety on his gun while pointing it at the door waiting for a reason to shoot. He had a determined yet fearful look on his face, even his nerves were on edge.
"Harry?" Audrey whispered as the sounds became more and more audible as the seconds went on.
"Just be ready" He replied quietly while not averting his focus from the door.
Audrey nodded a bit as the sounds grew closer and closer. The room was supposed to be hidden and secluded but they still had doubts about their hiding spot.
"Can you cut the power?" Wells asked in a whisper to Audrey as they continued to listen for movements.
Audrey gave a small nod in reply "yes why?" She asked him.
"Because if he can't see we'll have a better chance of getting out alive-" "But then we won't be able to see" She argued but Wells shook his head "We use our other senses to guide us out unless you have another idea in mind.."
Audrey shook her head, at the top of her head there was not much she could do to help but override things and cause blackouts.
"Then it'll work" Wells whispered "if he comes in, cut the power. Got it?"
"Yes" She nodded. At the moment it was their only course of action and they had to do something quickly.
After a few seconds passed, the sounds seemed to stop only giving them the anxiety as to why it did.
Maybe he had given up? Or maybe it was a trap?

"Is he gone?"

Wells glanced at Audrey quickly, giving her an unsure look "I'm not sure" he replied Where the hell is Barry at.."

After another minute or so passed Harry decided to see if he coast was clear. At the moment everything was quiet but there was only one way to find out.
"Remember the plan" He muttered to Audrey as he placed his hand on the wall beside him, unlocking the hidden door with his palm scan. She gave him a small nod in reply as she watched the doorway reveal itself in the walls.
Wells held his gun close to him as he took his first step into the halls. Still everything remained quiet as he took a quick glance around.
As he opened his mouth about to speak, a figure appeared from around the corner in the halls. Wells' guard quickly went up as he went to point the gun at the figure but they beat him to it.
With one quick movement of his wrist, the figure created a gust of wind strong enough to throw Wells back a few feet.
"Careful, the weather calls for high winds" The figure finally spoke, confirming it was Mardon as he walked closer.
Wells groaned as he hit the ground with a loud thud, his gun falling as well as it slid conveniently towards Mardon.
"Did you really think you stood a chance with this?" Mardon asked with a smirk as he created a ball of hail in his hands and shooting it at the gun quickly "it's gonna take alot more than just a gun to take me down-"
"How about me?"
Mardon turned around to see Audrey now standing in the halls with him "leave him alone" She threatened "The Flash isn't here."
Mardon smirked as he took a step towards her "you know, I figured that out when I first broke out of this place and he was no where to be found.."
"Now be a good girl and tell me where I can find the Scarlet Speedster" "I wouldn't tell you even if I knew" Audrey replied "So why don't you just do me a favor and crawl back into your cell before I have to make you."
Mardon's smirk quickly turned to a dark chuckle as he stepped closer "if I can recall, the last time we met it didn't end so well for you" He replied "you really wanna do this again sweetheart?"
Audrey glared but Mardon gave off an intimidating vibe as he took another step closer "take another step and I'll fry you-" "I'll call your bluff" Mardon smirked once again as he grabbed her arm.
"Go ahead. Fry me."

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