Chapter 17: A͖̳ ͍̜L͕̬i̟̞t̯t̯̰̟͈̱͢l͎̟e͏͍͇̣̺ ̼̘̹͎͈T͎͈̝̣̫̣̣͡r̗u̬s̢̘t̲

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While Audrey rested through the night, Snart took the opportunity to go over some plans involving the new information he's received so far.

Mick leaned against the wall as he listened to Snart banter on about his plans while Mardon watched over Audrey incase she woke too soon.

"You know the plan Mick, the girl is our leverage against The Flash" Snart spoke as he went over the plans on the desk "When Flash comes for her we'll have a five minute window of opportunity to trap him and take what's ours."

"You mean robbing more Museums and stealing from the rich?" Mick replied "Even with The Flash out of the way, those pesky pigs will still find a way to stir trouble-"

"Not with our little leverage over there, after Flash is out of the way, she will lead those cops on a red herring" Snart smirked "She can hack into any alarm we trip and keep Central City's finest from ever knowing we're there."

"She's sure full of her tricks" Mick replied, glancing over at her as she slept on the couch across the room.

Snart nodded, glancing at her as well "Yes, too bad we didn't get to her first before Flash did."

Mick shook his head "People can try to change who they really are but it'll never last" "We'll just have to see about that" Snart replied.

"I bet my sister would love a new friend."

Snart walked over to the couch, watching as Audrey slept soundly while Mardon took guard.

"How long has she been out for?"

Mardon shrugged "Almost four hours" he replied "what are we gonna do with her?"

"Not sure yet" Snart spoke, kneeling down next to Audrey "she could be very useful but her loyalty to Flash is interfering."

Then we break that loyalty, one way or the other" Mick replied.

"And how do you suppose we do that?"

Mick shrugged "Break her, kill The Flash, turn her against them?"

"Perhaps" Snart said as he thought about Mick's suggestions. He slowly raised his hand as he carefully moved the hair out of Audrey's face. She stirred a bit as she slept, Snart watched her carefully, waiting for her to wake up.

"The less she knows about this, the better" He muttered, watching as she stirred more, waking up.

Snart watched as Audrey opened her eyes slowly at first, sitting up to see everyone watching her.

"How did you sleep?" Snart asked her.

She sat up a bit more, feeling as if something was off.

"Fine.. What's goint on?" She asked Snart but he shook his head "nothing kid" he replied "how about I check on your arm now?"

Audrey looked at Snart for a second before giving him a slight nod, unsure of what his intentions were.

"Alright" she muttered.

Snart nodded as well before standing up, helping her up as well "Come on.."

Both Mick and Mardon watched as Snart led Audrey into another room. Mardon turned to Mick with a somewhat skeptical look on his face "what do you think about all this?"

Mick shrugged, fidgeting with his gun "Don't know, but I sure as hell won't take my finger off this trigger while she's around" he replied.

Mardon scoffed as he sat down "Snart is putting way too much trust in her" "Agreed" Mick nodded "He always has a plan."

While the two talked in the other room, Snart spent the next few minutes attending to Audrey's arm once more while she watched.

There was no doubt in her mind that any of them could be trusted for even a second, but with the three constantly watching her every move, it was going to be hard to even look for a way out.

"Something on your mind?" Snart asked, noticing something was distracting her.

Audrey turned her attention back to him as he covered her arm. She hesitated to speak, not knowing what to say.

"I'm fine" She muttered.

"Better not be planning to escape in that little head of yours" He warned but she glared a bit in reply "so what if I am?"

Snark gave her a stern look as he held up his cold gun, tilting it for her to view "You know, I've been at this for a long time now, even before your new friend Cisco nade me this gun-" He paused for a second, taking Audrey's hand and placing it on the handle of the gum to hold it herself.

At first, Audrey was confused as to where Snart was going with this but she watched him anyways.

"If there's one thing I've learned frkm doing this job for so long it's that, you always plan for anything" Snart spoke once more "Even if that means taking out anything that interferes with that.."

"Like me?" Audrey asked hesitantly. Snart looked at her, sensing the fear in her voice as she spoke.

"Not unless you give me a reason to" He replied before turning his attention to the cold gun in her hands "I want you to try it out."

"Why?" She asked.

Snart handed her the gun, helping her hold it carefully with both hands "Because if tou do plan on using on me, you might as well know how to use it" he joked.

Audrey looked at him, surprised he would actually tryst her to use the gun, unless he was trying to test her.

"Just give it a try" He encouraged.

She gave him a small nod, holding the gun up with hesitation at first. Snart watched her movements, guiding her on what to so.

"The most important thing to do is have a tight grip on it and hold it steady" He explained as he watched her.

Audrey nodded hesitantly as she aimed the gun forward. Snart stood by her sife, helping adjust her arms "that's it, just aim at the wall.."

"But what if I miss?" She asked but he shook his head "then you'll try again."

Audrey nodded again as she aimed at the wall carefully while Snart watched, standing by her side.

She aimed carefully, taking in a shaky breath before pulling the trigger on the cold gun, shooting ice at the wall. Her heart raced as it happened, afraid she would miss or her powers would interfere somehow.

Snart let out a chuckle as he watched "Well done" He praised her "you know- you could hace one if your own if you help us out.."

Audrey lowered the gun, turning her attention to him. What he was asking her to do, betraying Barry and the others, how could she ever think of doing something like that to them.

"I-I can't do that" She hesitated to reply.

Snart raised a brow as he looked her in the eyes, expecting taht answer from the beginning.

"Because you grew a conscience for them" He replied "it's normal at first to feel this way, you'll get used to it once you get a fix for the job."

"The job?" Audrey asked "You'd think I'd actually help you guys?"

Snart lookwd at her with a more serious expression this time. Audrey took astep back but he grabbed by the arm, taking the gun away from her as well "you will sooner or later, did tou really think I'd let someone with your abilites slip away from us?"

Audrey's breathing hitched as he took a step towards her, the intimidation coming from him was rising in her.

"You're our leverage, remember?"

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