XXII: The End

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I absolutely hate running. I hate it with every fiber of my being. Yet here I am, running for no apparent reason, other than Percival doesn't want to waste any time so we're running. What kind of crap is that?

"We're almost...there," Percival says in between pants for breath. "Just...a little...further."

After a few more seconds of hardcore running, we get about 100 yards away from it. Big thick stalks of green are growing all the way into the clouds. So this is the Beanstalk Garden.

We continue to run, but soon, a big obstacle faces us. The ground is literally rumbling. I almost lose my footing as a big shake separates my feet from the ground for a split second.

"What the heck is that?" I ask, already panicking about how big this creature has to be to make the ground shake so much.

"It's the giants that are keeping the garden running. You didn't think it would be that easy to steal some magic beans, did you?"

My eyes widen. "I don't know! I've never tried to steal magic beans before!"

Well these guys are mean machines. They're bound by a spell that a powerful fairy casted on them so they can't leave the garden, but they sure do make sure that no one gets out either if they try to take the beans."

"Then what exactly is the purpose of them making the beans if no one is going to use them?" I ask.

"No one knows. Let's not dwell on that though. We need the beans so we can catch Jack. It'll be much easier to catch him if when he disappears and transports somewhere else, we can disappear and transport there too in the sme amount of time."

I nod. "Yeah. Sounds like a plan."

We finally stop running when we get to the front of the garden. A intricately designed golden fence is planted all around the garden along with a light green sparkling thing that sort of looks like see through goo. It goes all the way to the top until it meets the clouds, like a shield.

"That's the magical barrier that the fairy casted. Only people who use magic can see it."

I nod slowly, still processing everything through my head. It's crazy how just last week I was trapped on a ship that was flying in the air and now I'm off chasing a guy named Jack from Jack and the Beanstalk. Although I really hadn't wanted to do this originally - I just wanted to sit and wallow in my room at the Fairy Tale Folk Legends Guild and cry my eyes out, or maybe search for my sister - Percival said it would be good for me to get back to regular life as soon as possible. Now I'm wondering if he just wanted my help because he couldn't finish the mission on his own. He was just using me for his own benefit, that jerk. In the end though, he was right. I feel much better than I ever would have if I had time to think about what happened to Adric. If I thought about them too much, I probably would have never left my room again. What can I say? I'm a dramatic gal.

At first, I blamed Percival. He was the one who stuck the blade in Adric's stomach after all, but as the day went by, I realized that it actually wasn't Percival. Although he did kill him physically, Adric was already set in the path of destruction as soon as I left him when I was fifteen. He killed himself.

Now that my heart is set on this mission though, I'm getting over it a little bit faster. Sometimes I wonder if I'm gettting over it a little too fast. No matter. One day I will find Wendy and I will be able to be at peace with myself for hurting Adric and then having him die.

For now though, I'm going to catch Jack.


And finished! Just letting you know, there will be another book! This is only the beginning...!! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

Linda, The Fifth Legend (NaNoWriMo 2014) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now