X: The Truth

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"I had a feeling you'd be here," Percival says, the hoodie covering up his blonde hair and casting a shadow over his face. "I told you not to go through with this, not even realizing that you already had a long time before you had even joined the guild. I didn't know you had an egg already."

I portray a determined stance, even though I feel like my legs should just give out beneath me because of Percival's scary looks.

Nora steps forward. "Good job Linda," she says sarcastically. "You've not only caused chaos in the town, but you're awakening a dragon as well. You really know how to make an entrance into a guild."

"I'd stand down if I were you," I say to them. "I am getting to that dragon."

Leon smirks. "Linda it's high time you knew something about us. As you have already most likely figured out, we are not your average wizards. We've got some secrets too, and we're willing to share them with you if you cooperate with us. You are a valuable asset to our team and you'd make us stronger once you're in control of your power, but we could also go about this a different way. We don't really need you in our guild. A guild isn't just about having someone else around who knows how to use magic. Being in a guild is about forming a special bond and making your friends into practically family."

My stance becomes more vulnerable as I begin to think. Family. Goodness, it's been a long time since I've thought about having one of those again. Of course I've always wanted one, but it seemed like it was never in the cards for me. Friends. I've never had any close friends for about seven years. I miss having one. Or maybe four. I look at the guild. These people could become my friends, or better yet, we could grow so close that we'd become like a family.

"We've each gone through something tremendous as individuals," Nora starts, "but when we joined this guild, we made our friendship and pride for this guild come first. We weren't individuals anymore. We were a team, and we want you to be part of our team too."

"We usually do tell the major secret sooner, but your trust in us hasn't really been showing and you always seem like there's something holding you back, but you don't have to do that anymore. We accept you for who you are. You don't have to tell us your problems now, but we hope that in the future, you'll think of us enough as friends to share memories with us," Leon says kindly. "So let's go home for now and we can tell you the truth about our guild. We'll put a protection spell around the mountain so no one can steal the dragon egg that's growing down there."

I sigh. It's amazing how they get up to date on everything so quickly.

"Okay..." I say slowly.

We ride home in silence together. I almost facepalm myself for not seeing that they parked their car in the usual spot that I park. How could I not have seen that? I guess I was too much of in a hurry to notice.

When we get home, the three of them beckon me to the third floor, where Percival leaves us to go to his room, and Nora and Leon lead me to the archive.

"Since you've never been in here, we don't really want you wondering around in here just yet," Nora says. So Percival didn't tell them, meaning that I shouldn't say a word about last night either.

They walk right up to the front shelf, where all of the fairy tales are stored that I saw before. Leon strokes the spines of the books before he begins to speak.

"You know what fairy tales are, right?" he asks.

I nod my head. "Of course I know what fairy tales are. Rapunzel got kidnapped by a witch and was locked up in a tower. The Boy Who Cried Wolf pretended that there was a wolf just for fun a few times so when the actual wolf came, no one came to help him. Everyone knows about fairy tales."

Linda, The Fifth Legend (NaNoWriMo 2014) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now