XII: Gods

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"Come on Linda! I know you can do better than that!" Ryner states, holding my leg that's in mid air between his hands. He harshly draws me in until we are about two inches apart and our breaths meld as one as we pant, already so out of breath.

Ryner has finally gotten way better over the past two weeks. I've started my training up with him and Leon again and let me tell you, for a guy that got hit by lightning only about three weeks ago, Ryner is sure doing way better than the average person who just suffered a strike. He's more than up on his feet. He's doing a one on one battle with me and can hold his own better than I can! Maybe Ryner is lying and he actually is a God. If he were to one day tell me that, I would completely believe him.

"Don't let your guard down!" he shouts. "Even for a second. One second makes all the difference to your enemy." I hit the mat on the floor with a thud and Ryner hovers over me. "If I was your enemy, you would be dead right now," he says in all seriousness. He holds his hand for me and I gladly take it. Then he shoves me back to my feet and forces me into a fighting stance. "Again," he states simply.

My mouth falls open. "What?! Are you serious? I can barely stand and you want me to do this again?!"

"Yes." With a nod of the head, he quickly gets into his first fighting position before attacking me. I didge his blow by a hair. "In order to get better, you need to get put in tough situations. That's the only way a person can improve."

I've about had it with him beating me. I haven't landed a single hit on him from the start of this training session! I'll never be able to go to Fairy Tale World at this rate! I'd probably die of old age before then! With a determined expression, I look for any openings or weak spots. He's got bascially every part of his body covered, except for his head. I sigh. I hate to do this to a friend, but for my pride, I'll do just about anything.

"Upper kick!" and just like that, my chance has been swallowed. He catches my foot again and twists my body around so that I can't use my feet. How am I supposed to fight if I can't use my feet.

"There you go again, shouting your attack moves before you do them. If you keep that up, everyone is going to know exactly what your motive is." His hot breath fans my neck. If only I could get a hot guy in this position without the fighting.

With my free arm, I elbow him hard in the stomach while stomping on his foot at the same time. He may have limited my legs from kicking, but stomping is still something I'm capable of. With a groan, he lets go of me and I immediately plan my next attack. If I can't stop my mouth from blabbing which move I'm going to use next, I'll use it to my advantage. I'll trick him into thinking I'm doing a side sweep and then I'll use the one move that I know will bring him to the floor. Well, at least for like two seconds. I'm going to do my dual kick.

I ready my stance for a side sweep feint. With about twenty five percent of my body weight, I lift my left sideways so I can pretend like I'm going to sweep under his leg.

"Side sweep!" I shout and just before he can grab my leg, I change position and clamp on my tongue so that I won't say anything unnecessary. I use my full body weight to propell my foot under his chin.

My foot makes contact with his chin surprisingly, and he stumbles back before regaining his balance, while he has been using his energy to stop from falling, however, my lower foot is already off of the floor and my kicking foot is already on the way down to hit the top of his head. When I hit his head, my foot practically guides him to the floor. His face hits the mat underneath us and I blink. Did I just do that? Is Ryner actually on the floor? While I'm in my state of shock and excitement, however. Ryner uses that as an oppurtunity to clasp his hand onto one of my ankles and bring me down with him. With a shriek, I hit the mat for about the hundredth time that day.

Linda, The Fifth Legend (NaNoWriMo 2014) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now