VIII: Folk Legends Archive

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"I hope you choke on it."

One of my fav lines from Witches of East End. Aaaahhhhhh I love Witches of East End so much! And I love Jenna Dewan Tatum!

...So yeah. I know. I was supposed to update on January 1...yeah...well I had a major hangover from a New Years party and I was not gonna get anywhere! So sorry. I shouldn't have gotten wasted. Sorry. It's a horrible excuse, I know.

To make it up for you though, I edited this chapter super good so hopefully you all will like it! Yay! K, enjoy!

As I tip toe to the third floor that night, I try to stay as quiet as possible. I hope over and over that my assumptions aren't wrong and they do have a book about dragons. I mean why wouldn't they? This is a magical guild for crying out loud. Anything magical related should be in their archive.

I take the final step on the stairs before I hit the floor. I breathe out a sigh of relief. I've made it this far. Now I just have to figure out which door leads me to the archive. I think about what I already know. The second door to the right is Percival's room. Aside from that though, that's really all I know about the third floor. I wonder why everything is so secretive.

Making sure not to make a sound, I quietly sneak over to the first door on the right. My hand grips and turns the knob to open the door. When I peak inside, however, all I see is a small vacant room. I head over to the first door on the left and open it, but find nothing in there either. Skipping over to the third door on the right, I push the door until it's completely ajar, but I can't find anything either. I walk over to the second door to the left and, after opening it, peak inside. It's empty too though. Right when I'm about to get my head out of the room, a feel a light tap on my shoulder.

I instantly stiffen up. I've been caught. I can't believe this. I haven't even found the freaking archive yet!

"What do you think you're doing?" a male voice asks.

Slowly, I take my head from the room and turn to face the person. It turns out to be Percival. Crap.

The last time I had seen Percival was the day when he'd wanted to talk to me privately. He'd been missing ever since. He could have been holed up in his room for a week... or he could have been on some secret mission, which would be totally hot and totally my style.

His hood is down, revealing his beautiful blonde locks. Although it's dark, his bright blue eyes are still visible as if they're the light themselves. I can see now that his hood reaches his knees, which is kind of odd, but it suits him and his mysterious ways. When he talks, he doesn't really sound that mysterious. He sounds average, but there's seething about him that throws me off. It seems as if he's almost not even here and he's just portraying an image of the way he wants people to think he acts. Still, he's standing in front of me and I can't think of anything good to say.

"Um I was" I frantically look anywhere else but into his eyes.

"You were looking for an important book?" He asks. For a moment I narrow my eyes at him, thinking that he read my mind, but Percival quickly shakes his head and clears things up. "I heard you, Nora and Leon talking earlier. I didn't read your mind or anything. I only did it before to prove that I really could read your mind. I don't like getting into people's heads. I told you it's too creepy."

I nod as if I'm listening, but in reality I'm trying to think of ways to get out of this situation unscathed. Maybe if I knock him out, and then make a run for it, he'll forget seeing me tonight. I just need something that I'll be able to hit him with, like maybe a frying pan, but where would I get a frying pan from? Thin air?

Linda, The Fifth Legend (NaNoWriMo 2014) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now