IV: Percival The Killer

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"Come to the third floor then. I'll be waiting for you. It'll be the second door to the right. Come alone."

When it grows awfully silent, I know that he's already left. He really is a God. He can read minds and speak to people when he isn't there. What could this mean? What type of powers does he possess in order to be able to do this?

"Well, go on then," Nora says, nudging me towards the door.

"He's going to pay for this," Ryner mumbles begrudgingly. "I finally get the chance to test someone and he just takes it from me!"

"Oh quit being such a whiny baby," Nora responds. "You know Percival only does things like this if they're really important. He wouldn't do this just to get you riled up."

"Oh yeah? What makes you so sure? Maybe he decided he wants to take part in the tests for once," he blabbers.

"Ryner quit it," Leon states. "You know he isn't playing games. He really wants to see her, which is weird. This has never happened before."

I look at each one of them over and over, listening to the conversation they're having about me and what Percival thinks. They don't even realize I'm listening until it's been about a minute.

"Linda, what are you still standing around for?" Leon asks. "You should be on your way to the third floor by now. Percival doesn't like to be kept waiting."

With that in mind, I start my journey. I'm not going to look like a fool in front of Percival. I don't know why I feel the need to prove myself to him, but I want him to know just how capable I am. This guild could use someone like me around. I smirk at the thought. That sounds so nice, settling down in a guild like this. A few hours ago, I thought it was stupid and crazy, but I'm starting to quite like it here, even with the weird guild members that like to torture other people by slicing their backs or puncturing them with a pain serum.

I head up the stairs to the third floor and follow his instructions. Second door to the right. There it is. I knock on the door to let him know I'm coming in. Then I slowly press my hands against the door and it opens with a slight creak.

Percival stands inside, facing me expectantly. He gives a respective nod of the head and I return the favor. Soon, however, questions start to flood my mind. Where did he come from? Why was he an O Theós? Had that been his decision or was he born that way? Why was he so mysterious?

"What's your last name?" I blurt out without even meaning to. I quickly cover my mouth after realizing my slip up. "Gosh I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for it to come out like that. I'm just so curious because not even Leon knows it and he knows practically everything."

Percival doesn't say a word. Instead, he cracks a smile.

"Did I say something wrong?" I ask. Then I smack myself on the forehead. "Of course I said something wrong. I'm sorry. I just get this really weird vibe around you and I can't make it go away."

"That's actually what I'm here to talk to you about. I got that feeling when you first arrived and I had no clue what it was. I was hoping you did." He sighs and takes a seat on the bench. I take a seat right next to him. "I just feel like there's something about you. I can quite put my finger on it, but I know it's important, so I'm letting you into the guild."

I gasp. "You what?! But I haven't even battled with Ryner yet! How can you be so sure that I'm fit enough to be in your guild?"

Percival gives me a pointed look. "Come on. You took on Nora without using magic once. That's pretty impressive. I don't think you need to prove yourself anymore."

I sit quietly for a moment, thinking about what he just told me.

"So what you said about testing me, that was just complete crap?"

Linda, The Fifth Legend (NaNoWriMo 2014) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now