VI: Training

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The first room on the second floor ends up being my room. After having that huge thinking discussion in there, I'd already become attached. Leon and Ryner carried all the boxes and Nora stayed behind to unpack. It had taken all of yesterday.

Now, as I put my hair in a pony tail to start out the morning, I wonder what Leon's morning training sessions are going to be like. Hopefully they don't involve any more of those pain serums. I walk from my room to Leon's and knock on the door. The door flies open hastily, revealing Leon with a huge smile.

"Good morning!" he says gleefully. His smile doesn't leave his face for a second.

"Well someone is a big morning person," I say as I rub my eyes and yawn.

"Let's get started then, shall we? Come in."

I step into his room only to be greeted with clothes thrown all over the floor, cracker containers and chip bags of all sorts, and a whole bunch of statistical diagrams. His bed, which consists of just a mattress and a blanket, isn't made. Numbers are scribbled carelessly onto the walls.

"Someone also needs to clean up." I step over everything hesitantly, making sure I don't damage anything.

"Eh that's easy. Emundet." Instantly, things begin picking themselves up and flying to their proper place. The diagrams are rolled up in a corner. The crackers and chips make their way to Leon's desk. The clothes sort themselves, going either in the hamper, or back in a clothing door. This only takes about five seconds to complete.

I instantly cross my arms. "Well excuse me for cleaning my room by hand for all of these years."

Leon shrugs. "You didn't know any better. Now let's begin. Choose any spot on the floor to sit." I sit down in the middle and he sits down in front of me. "So, every witch or wizard has their own simple spells which they use daily for ordinary things. Those are the spells we're going to start with today. Eventually when you get good enough, we will move onto incantations, which have more than one word and you usually have to chant it over and over until the spell works. Since we aren't dealing with that today though, I won't go into detail about those. Let's start with a simple spell. Think of something you do in every day life that could be made easier through magic. Then tell me what it is."

I think back to my apartment and all of the chores I've had to do while living there. My landlord even made me do his dishes once or twice every week. I smile. Dishes. That's something I definitely wouldn't mind using a spell on.

"Washing dishes," I tell him with a pleasant smile on my face. I begin to feel proud. I'm going to be doing my very own spell.

Leon raises his eyebrows. "Within range. I don't have any dishes for you to wash up here. How about sweeping the floor?"

"But you just cleaned so..."

Before I can even finish my sentence, Leon is opening the chip bags and throwing them on the floor. Then he steps on them to crunch them up and make them smaller. After he finishes, he gives a satisfied nod, placing his hands on his hips.

"There we go. This will work."

My mouth is sealed, but inside, my head is exploding. Is he crazy?!

"Now this spell is a little simpler than the spell I did earlier. All you have to do is call on a broom and then it'll sweep for you."

"How do I call on a broom?"

He smiles. "Well luckily I have a broom in my closet so we don't have to search very far. All you do is call out to the broom and it'll appear. So now close your eyes and clear your head of all irrelevant thoughts."

Linda, The Fifth Legend (NaNoWriMo 2014) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now