XV: Fairy Tale World

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When I wake up, I'm in my room on my bed. The covers are draped over me and I'm in my pajamas. Huh? I don't remember getting into bed. I look around my room. Everything looks normal. I can't help but notice how loud the clock is ticking. It sort of hurts. Then, a searing pain takes over my head. I groan and hold onto my skull. Then the pain subsides.

"Ruff. Ruff!" Immediately I'm attacked by dogs. What? I didn't even notice there were any dogs here. It had sounded so quiet just a minute ago.

I instantly find out that these aren't ordinary dogs though. They're made out of lightning. I squeal and quickly defend myself, but all they do is cuddle up to me and lick my face. A chuckle is heard from my door. I quickly look over. Nora is standing there cradling a bowl of soup.

"Percival sensed you were waking up. Those dogs of yours are just so cute. They haven't left your side once."

The dogs jump off of me and attack Nora with affection. She giggles and scratches them behind the ears. I gaze at her. Is there something I'm missing? My dogs? Last time I checked, I didn't have any dogs.

"Okay, I'm sorry," I say, scratching the back of my neck, "but I am so confused. I don't remember anything from yesterday. All I remember is seeing Leon in the morning, meeting with you and Juro, and then meeting Meredith. Now suddenly, I'm in my room."

Nora giggles again, covering her mouth with her hand. "Yesterday? You weren't awake yesterday. You've been out for four days. That magic that you did took a really big toll on you."

My eyes widen. Magic. Suddenly I'm hit with a sense of familiarity. Yeah that's right. I used some sort of magic because Ryner... I gasp, filled with horror.

"Ryner! Is he okay?! I didn't hurt him bad, did I?"

Nora giggles again. I swear, if she giggles one more time I'm going to smack all of the giggles out of her for the rest of her life! I want answers damn it!

"Ryner is completely fine. You don't remember? You stopped yourself from using your magic on anyone. It took a lot of energy out of you, but you did it anyway, just so that you wouldn't hurt anyone. You're amazing Linda! What's even better is that you can finally travel to Fairy Tale World with us! Isn't that amazing?!"

Now I'm even more confused. "I'm sorry, but I'm not exactly able to enjoy the news because I have no clue what you're talking about. I hit Ryner. Or... I was about to hit him." I close my eyes, trying to bring back the memories that aren't there. "I can't remember!"

She sighs and stops petting the dogs, who are now gathering around me with a look of simpathy. "I think your dogs will be able to explain it to you better than I can. Go on now," she says to the dogs. "Hop onto the bed."

I squeal. "Ahh! What are you doing?"

The dogs jump onto my bed, but as soon as they're with me, I feel more secure somehow. I don't exactly know how to explain it, but they bring me comfort. It's like they're a part of me. The two dogs are radiating with power. My power. They're literally made out of lightning, but it's my lightning. They pulse and spark as they come near me, but I'm not afraid. Then they fall into my arms and as soon as they each touch one of my hands, the memories come back. Now I understand. The dogs are sucked into my hands until they aren't there anymore.

After finally knowing what happened, I turn back around to Nora. I don't look into her eyes however, out of shame. "You have every right to release me from the guild. I understand if you guys don't want me anymore."

I cover my eyes with my hair as a tear escapes my eye. I didn't realize how much this guild meant to me until I didn't have it anymore. Now I feel so empty inside. I had friends and I blew it, all because of my power and my pride. I always end up making everything worse.

Linda, The Fifth Legend (NaNoWriMo 2014) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now