Toya was puzzled, but answered anyway. "Not at the moment." He didn't have to pick up his brother for a while, so what's the worse that could happen?

Amaryllis turned to meet Toya's eyes. There was a glint shining her her red eyes. "Would you follow a stranger over that fence?" The way she emphasized stranger was interesting, it was almost like a mocking tone, like she was daring him to follow her.

Toya didn't say anything, and Amaryllis just spun on her heels and headed down towards the fence. He watched her easily climb over the fence and land softly on the other side. "Hope you didn't see anything you weren't supposed to," she said dusting off her clothes. Toya didn't make any sort of movement that might tell Amaryllis his answer.

Amaryllis turned and meet eyes with Toya. The look that reflected in her red eyes screamed, "Are you coming or not?"

Toya ran through his options in his mind. He still had a little while longer before he needed to be somewhere and Amaryllis also didn't seem like she was tricking him, even though Toya is having a hard time trying to guess what is going through her brain. And even if she is tricking him he can always easily defend himself.

After a bit more inner debating, Toya had decided to follow this strange girl. He hopped over the fence and was greeted with a smile from Amaryllis.

Toya followed her down the alleyway that quickly faded into a wooded area. The buildings were so tall he would have never thought there would be such tall trees back here with sunlight filtering through the leaves. There was a small clearing with a little creek running around the edge. It was nice and peaceful, it was like it's own little secluded park.

"I like to come back her after stressful days and relax, most of the time I bring a hammock," Amaryllis said the last little part under her breath. There was a pause, "Didn't you say your family name was Todoroki?" She asked, turning to meet Toya's eyes. He nodded. Amaryllis' expression did not change, and she removed her eyes from his, staring off into nothing now.

A wave of realization washed over Toya. Why was she trusting him so much? Why was he trusting her? What is the reason? Why on earth has he followed this stranger to who knows where?

"Why," Toya found himself talking slowly, "why are you trusting me so much?"

There was a long pause and Amaryllis kept her back turned to Toya. "To be honest," she said, "I'm not entirely sure." That was not the answer Toya was expecting.

"But," she added, "if I had to choose something I would assume it's because of the look in your eyes."

Toya was puzzled, how the hell could she go off something as simple as that? As is she had read his mind, Amaryllis continued. "Like I said before, there is a softness to your eyes that I find comforting, so to say." She took a deep breath and spun around to face him.

"Do you have a quirk?"

"You sure do like to dodge those questions," Toya said, gazing down at her. That tension from before seemed to have faded.  "But yes," he said, "I do." Amaryllis' eyes seemed to light up, she gave him a look that she wanted him to demonstrate.

Toya was hesitant for a brief moment. Everyone else thought his quirk was awful, nothing but something destructive. Wouldn't she think that as well? But, maybe if he fulfilled her request it would please her, even though he wasn't sure why he cared if he pleased her or not. Either way, Toya lifted up his hand and opened his palm. A small blue flame grew from his palm and danced around like a fluttering bird. Toya looked up at saw how amazed Amaryllis looked. Her red eyes stared at the flame with wonder, he could of sworn his heart skipped a beat.

"What do you call it?" She asked, not removing her gaze from the flame. "Cremation."

"It must be rather destructive then."

"Yeah," Toya said softly, his eyes were now fixed on the strange girl standing in front of him.

"Strange," Amaryllis said softly, "how something so pretty can be so destructive." Her arms rose from her side and hovered over the flame, she looked as if she was about to grab it, but her hands stood still next to the flame. She looked up and their eyes meet, neither of them moved.

Toya was unsure of how long he stared into her eyes. A minute? 30 seconds? 5 whole minutes? He wouldn't be surprised if it was a entire hour. It was hard to tell. Her found himself lost in her flickering pupils.

A thought crossed Toya's mind, and he felt a slight panic rise in him. He broke the tension between them and quickly pulled out his phone. "Shit," he said, gazing at the time. He gazed back up at Amaryllis who still had a twinkle in her red eyes.

"I have to go," Toya said, taking a few steps back. He awkwardly waved goodbye, and she waved back before he disappeared into the alleyway.

A M A R Y L L I S《 My Hero Academia 》Where stories live. Discover now