Chapter One | First World

Start from the beginning

"How come my head hurts so much?"

The person sitting opposite him, whose gender was still unknown, paused in their reading. He or she looked up, their milky coloured eyes now pinning him in place. "That..," the strange looking person began, his or her words smoothly leaving their tongue, ", is entirely your own fault."

Fahren blinked and opened his mouth to snap in retaliation but stopped himself. The person opposite didn't appear to have a care in the world as they returned their attention back to their book. Fahren grit his teeth, finding the gratingly slow pace of information agonising.

His fault?

Unlikely. But then again, he couldn't remember anything about the past few days so he couldn't really deny it.

"Who are you?"




He wondered if he had enough strength to ram his own head hard against one of the walls.

"That' interesting name. Are you Russian?"

Without even a flicker of acknowledgment for his words, the person opposite responded with a flood of information that help Fahren confirm this person was, in fact, bat-shit crazy.

"I am System, a small fragment within the sea of data which makes up everything's existence. I am responsible for those passing few who do not fit a criteria."

"Passing..few? What do you mean?"

The slam of a book made Fahren jump. His eyes widened as the passively spoken person now had their attention firmly on him. Previously, this person had sat up straight with their legs closed in front of them, their expression neutral. But now, Fahren watched as the stranger's exterior morphed into what he guessed were the proper mannerisms of this individual.

The book hit the floor with a flick of a wrist, one leg was propped over the other and a slouch in the back made the person opposite look more humane. The eyes though, those were far from normal.

"You're dead."

Fahren paused. His eyes then darted around the room and then down to his lap, which was covered in white clothing.

"I suppose..that makes more sense."

System didn't appear like they were going to respond to his comment so he decided to fill the silence. Seeing as this place was entirely white, and that System looked scarily pure, Fahren quickly made his own assumptions.

"So this place exists then."

System cocked their head, their long white hair, which was brushed back, followed the movement.

"It does. But you're not in it."


"What what?"

Fahren, even though dead, felt his heart thump in his chest. "So I'm in He-"

"Not there either."

"Then where are we?!"

System's lips quirked, as if waiting for him to loose his temper. The abnormal person ran a hand through their long hair before shrugging their narrow shoulders. "Like I said, nowhere."

Fahren was exhausted.

"We are neither here, nor there, but it is here that you have been selected."

Fahren's already throbbing head didn't improve as the stranger spoke gibberish. He pinched the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes and took a few breaths before he could think of how to respond without spewing acid.

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