Chapter 19: You Belong With Me ~ Part 3 {Loki's POV}

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     "Thor you fool! Who drops a man from in mid flight onto the rooftop of a building?" I shouted, flinging my arms every which way as we entered Stark Towers. All Thor could do was laugh to himself as I ran my hands through my hair while walking into the lobby. I couldn't stand to be in Randy's form for the time being so I had changed back to my normal form.

     A few people cast odd looks Thor and I's way as we walked through the extravagant lobby to a desk where a man with glasses sat behind a device much like Thor's 'Mac Book'.

     "Welcome to Stark Towers, how may I help yo..." The man's voice cut off as he stared wide eyed to myself and Thor. He held up his hand to us, as if telling us to halt, and reached for a white device that he placed between his shoulder and cheek, moving the curled white chord as he pressed a few keys on a small box the chord was connected to.

     Thor and I had not even arrived a few minutes before and now the man was already announcing our presence.

     "Mister Stark, sir. Yes. I apologize for bothering you but I require assistance at the front desk." The poor man spoke nervously. "Well yes... why? Ugh, well. There are two men here that look like they just left Comic-Con. Mhm." He looked to us awkwardly.

     "Mhm. Ok. Thank you." He put the item away and looked to the entrance doors as Tony walked in almost instantly. It was rather shocking to have only arrived and all of this happen so suddenly.  

     "Jeffrey, please, you complain about the most..." Tony paused as he reached the desk beside us. He wore a rather nice suit, as usual, and an expensive looking ring on his finger where a wedding band would usually reside.

     "Ah, Thor! Loki!" Tony greeted warmly, extending his hand to us both. Shaking Tony's hand after me, Thor and I gave small smiles in return. "How are you?" Tony continued.

     "We're well. I actually came here to well... to get to the point, I came to meet someone. Makall." I spoke before Thor could interrupt, eliciting a small smile from Tony. With a swift movement, he reached over the counter and grabbing something before placing it into my hand manually. I took it the small object rather eagerly and realized it was a card of some sorts. Much like those that Makall had when buying things.

     "This is to get in. I was expecting you two to find her sooner or later." Tony smirked. " I'll take you up there myself if you'd like, Loki."

     I fiddled with the card in my fingers without another word for a while and followed behind Tony, ignoring the odd looks continuously cast our way as Thor and I walked into a very small room.

     Thor and I stepped in and watched as Tony pressed a few buttons, causing a button with 54 on it to light up and the steel doors before us to close; the room beginning to move. "What is this contraption?" Thor asked, making Tony laugh.

     "It's an elevator, a faster way of getting from floor-to-floor." Tony shrugged as the 'elevator' came to a stop and the doors slid open.

     "Room 565 on your left." Tony pointed out as we peered down the curved hall. I nodded as he held Thor back for conversation. Before I knew it the doors closed and I was left there in the hall. Sighing internally, I looked around and listened closely; the only sound in the hall being of that coming from the buckles rubbing against my leather attire.

     After a few minutes of walking own the hall and back I found the door Tony spoke of. I stopped in front of it and felt my heart beat race.

     What if she forgot about me and had moved on? What if she did not want me to see our child? What if...

You Belong With Me {Loki Fanfiction} Book 1Where stories live. Discover now