Chapter 6: Randy Heart {Makall's POV}

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4 Days Later

     "We are doing what, exactly?" Loki looked at the black collared button up and jeans that I had put on my bed for him to wear. I was surprised these clothes, my ex-fiance's clothes I kept probably because I couldn't bring myself to get rid of them, fit him so well. We needed to get out of my small one-room house and just go out for air - maybe buy him some new clothes and take him out to eat.

     "Buying you some clothes so don't you don't have to wear... that." I motioned to his Asgardian armor that we had found him in the day he fell from the sky. 

     Just saying that to myself each day, it became a funnier thought.

     He smiled, hands behind his back as he stood straight and proper."I am most content in my current attire, however. Thank you for the concern though." 

     "Yes I'm sure you are but do you want people to be suspicious? Seeing some guy running around town like it's Comic-Con? I want you to look just like any other guy so I don't get questioned a lot." He smiled that wickedly charming smile still and held my gaze with those green eyes... those piercing green eyes I'd grown fond over this past week.

     "Is that what you want me to be to you, Makall? To just be another Midgardian male that you are acquainted with?" He came closer, towering over me. I couldn't help but hold my breath as he placed his hands on both sides of my waist, pulling me closer to him. I nervously laid the palms of my hands against his chest.

     Unable to come up with a response to his question I pointed to the bed, "Just put them on and meet me out in the truck. Alright?"

     Loki nodded and pulled me closer, if that was even possible, to lean down and whisper in my ear. "In a moment." His breath ghosted against my neck and I blushed, wondering why he was being like this.

     I pulled away however, feeling an instant pain in my heart. He didn't fight to hold me but simply allowed me to pull away, confusion in his eyes as he looked into mine. I pulled away... because Loki reminded me of my ex - everything about him reminded me of him, and the pain and betrayal was still fresh. "I apologize Makall... did I offend you?" Loki looked to me, concerned. I couldn't break his gaze and sighed. I so far told Loki everything so why was I hiding this?

     "It's just... I was..." I choked on my words, unable to get them out. Loki then sat on the bed and pulled me onto his lap gently, just to hold me for a moment because I knew he sensed my pain. I hadn't seen this tender side of him though... not like this.

     Loki brushed a strand of hair from my face as I looked to him, his skin cold as usual. "Please tell me what upsets you, or what I have done to cause such so I don't make the same mistake again." He pleaded softly. He really wanted to make things right... why?

     I didn't reply instantly. I was trying to formulate a sentence in my mind that could work to explain my feelings. "You remind me of the guy who left me for someone else..." Loki rubbed his chin as I continued, "You both are so much alike to be honest... that was my boyfriend since High School. We moved here from New Mexico with Stephanie while Darcy stayed back because of work with Jane. While Steph was away to New York, my ex-boyfriend, that guy in the picture in the living room you found, Randy Heart, left after a fight we had. He left everything and took all the money we had except the money I had in a secret account. I haven't seen him in a year..." I laid my head on Loki's chest, hearing a soft heartbeat.

     "You are still his?" Loki softly spoke into my hair. I shook my head slowly in response.

     "No. He sent a letter a few months back saying he had moved on and needed money to support him and some girl in New York. I guess he thought I was stupid enough to fall for him all over again and support him no matter what." When I finished, Loki just held me, whispering it would be okay. 

     I felt comfort in his arms like this. It was the first time in a while. Loki would be there for me. 

     I kissed Loki's cheek and whispered to him so only he could hear, as if we were in a crowded room, in attempts to change subjects. "Get changed and meet me in the truck, ok?" Within' seconds I saw a green mist form around us and as it went away, I saw he was in the clothes I had put out and now his previous clothing lay neatly on the bed.

     "Ready." He smirked and I rolled my eyes, laughing as we got up and walked to living room. I grabbed my keys from the coffee table and made my way out to the truck with Loki close behind. We both got into the truck and I turned just the car on to start the battery after getting my seat belt on. While turning on the radio, I was giggling as Loki struggled to get his seat belt on.

     "Just pull it and put the clip into this." I pointed to the small buckle next to his lap.

     "Thank you." Loki replied, finally getting it and smiling with satisfaction.

     I turned the key in the ignition and let the engine roar to life fully now, my little 85' Chevy coming to life after baking in the sun. I backed out down the driveway and onto the graveled road. As I started driving I gave the occasional glance to Loki, who seemed bored. The first time I'd seen him like this.

     Today was a first for everything. 

     I clicked the play button on the new radio I installed and Night in White Satin by The Moody Blues began playing. Twice I glanced his way and saw him staring at the radio with pure curiosity; like a kid who was given a toy and had no idea how the hell it worked.

     "Like it Loki?" I asked as I finally onto a paved road that led me towards the town.

     "Very much so actually. What is this music? It's very pleasing." He replied, relaxing into his seat.

     "Night in White Satin by The Moody Blues. They were a band." I clarified. 

     Loki only nodded, almost in a dazed state while listening to the music.

     We drove down to the town, since I lived in out in the outskirts of it like many of the people here, and Coldplay's Viva La Vida seemed to cause Loki to hum along randomly, picking up the beat but not the words.

     Little did I know though as we headed into town, Jane had a surprise for me.


A/N: You'll find out later why Randy has anything to do with this story. He isn't just some random guy I promise you that.

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