Chapter 4: Tell Me Who You Are {Loki's POV}

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5 Days Later

    "Sh, just watch the movie." Makall scolded as she pulled me back onto of the sofa in her, what she called, living room. I much preferred the term lounge or hall but it was what the Midgardians called their rooms. Without protesting, I sat beside her. 

     "What's this... movie, as you called it?" I looked down to her as she put my arm around her and leaned against me. 

     "V for Vendetta, my absolute favorite movie." She whispered as I watched it play out before us on the large flat screen of the wall, somewhat at peace with her against me. It had taken time to get her to trust me enough to be this close.

     I had become very close to Makall these last few days - but something I needed was to understand her, possibly for my own sake and understanding of my safety because I was so weak and my powers were not fully usable. I could not read her mind as I could other mortals, such as her sister's husband, or for Makall, her 'brother-in-law' as she stated was the title.

     Very intellectual yet fun Makall was I could say though. Just last night she had me participate in an activity she called 21 Questions. The name, however did not fit because we asked 50 or more questions - I suppose it was to better understand one another in a sort of quick manner for I could sense her tension around me. I remembered, still, last night when it happened, still vivid and fresh in my memory.

***** The Evening Before *****

     "Alright, one rule: please stop addressing my friends as 'mortal' when you meet them" Makall poked her finger at the gold plate on my chest that was attached to my armor and suit, now that I was finally wearing it again. It was adorable - she thought she could order around an Asgardian Prince.

     Laughing softly, I pulled her into my arms. "I believe that is very much so a reasonable request."

     "Good." She muttered. I smiled and let her go, sighing.

     "Also, don't read Billy or Stephanie's minds again, I don't need Billy complaining to my sister that he has a killer migraine after being around you."  I furrowed my brows and cocked my head to the side, and by now she understood that that was my signal that I did not understand.

     "Headache." She clarified and I nodded. We had been standing in the kitchen when suddenly Makall, out of nowhere, grabbed my arm and pulled me into her living room to sit down, pulling me down along with her onto the floor.  

     "Ok, let's play the game, 21 questions." It was what we agreed on to better get to know each other. "What you do is you just ask a question about the other person and it just goes back and forth." She was very demanding, however, simply, I nodded - lying back so I was lying on the comfortably padded floor.

     I thought about the game as she asked the questions to start, could she really want to get to know me? A God who had been shun from his own kind and life was now held in the hands of a mere mortal? I was Loki, the God of Mischief, the Master of Trickery and Lies. Yet I found that I could not lie to Makall or her other human friends - they were so kind, except for Billy.

     I refocused my attention suddenly and heard Makall ask how old I was... a very good question.

     "Well, in Asgard, only 30 years of age. But time here is different from there. Here in Midgard... err, well yes, Midgard, what you call Earth, I am a few centuries in age... if not a millenia old." She stared at me with those deep brown eyes and I smiled to her, watching her flush a perfect shade of red.

     I asked my question then, and it happened to go on for some time. I learned many things: Her full name was Makall Genève Welles. She was soon to be 21 years of age. Her favorite color was violet, her favorite food were what she said, Chicken Wings - which she promised to prepare for me later on, and she had a twin sister named Darcy who lived in a place called New Mexico. For some reason it sounded familiar but I could not place my finger upon the thought.

     Her last question struck me as if my fath... Thor's father took a scepter and stabbed it through me and threw me off the Rainbow Bridge all over again.

     "What of your family?"

      I stated, feeling the words harshly pass my lips. "What of them?"She seemed a bit surprised at my tone and I looked to her sympathetically, apologetically. I sighed. "It's a long story..."

     "Then just tell me about your siblings." I it felt reasonable so I kept it short.

     "Well... I have a half-sister, her name is Emi. She is... like I, myself: part Frost Giant and part Midgardian or Asgardian, i'm not truly sure. I'm only a Frost Giant and Asgardian somehow. We both have the same father, and... it has been so long since I last saw her, as a child..." I groaned softly as I looked to the ceiling, realizing I missed her dearly. Somewhere inside there was a sudden pain, feeling bad that she had to suffer through this alone as I did.

     I looked to Makall who's eyes had a question dancing before them. 

     "Frost giant?" She asked and I nodded once. For a few moments I thought of how to explain it to her. How did one explain this to another? With a small yet brief feeling of faith, I began to will my body to change its color, not only wanting to show her to see if she would be scared but because words would never do justice to what the eyes could experience. I willed my hand and soon my body to darken to a frosty blue under my usual Asgardian robes.

     "Your eyes they're orange... almost red..." she whispered. I nodded and continued willing my body to change until she reached a hand up to trace the markings along my cheekbones, then jaw. I usually would be embarrassed and or angry if someone had touched me this way, but I allowed Makall to do so.

     I allowed her to do this because I saw pure curiosity in her eyes.

     "Your... markings... they're beautiful." She whispered softly, almost breathlessly. I then, from that moment knew that, maybe with Makall, it was possible to change who I once was because every day I had spent with her thus far had made me feel more welcomed... I felt wanted. I felt... loved. I was joyous and happy... just as I was before I found out where I had come from.

     Makall showed no signs of being scared, but again I could not read her mind. I let my breath escape my lips rather exaggeratedly and laid back against the carpet once more, Makall lying beside me with her head on my chest. I wasn't sure now what I felt for her.  But whatever it was, I wanted her to stay... I'd not yet known her a week but it felt like forever. A wonderful forever.

     As I stroked her hair, telling she was asleep from her now soft breathing, I slowly used some of my magic to have Makall float in the air - enough time so I could stand up and let the mist place her in my arms. When I had a good grip on her slim frame, I took Makall to her room and set her upon the sheets. Tonight I would rest on the couch. That is if I could sleep with so much on my mind.


A/N: Emi is a character in my friend's fanfiction she is writing. I'm sort of bringing her up here because I may have my friend post her story to Wattpad or not, i'm not sure. She may be in the story a bit more but, we thought it be cool to cross over our stories. So, no, Loki does not really have a sister named Emi but here he does :) 

You Belong With Me {Loki Fanfiction} Book 1Where stories live. Discover now