Chapter 2: Awake {Loki's POV}

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     "Father, please! I've changed. I was wrong!" My pleaded lie echoed in my dark mind as two guards held my nub body.

     "One day, you may return." Odin's voice was rough, noticeable regret sewn through his tone.

     Suddenly, light cast before me the scene of Odin looking to Heimdall, guard of the Bifrost and Rainbow Bridge, telling him to turn the scepter.

     "No! Please!" But my plea came too late as I was pulled through the portal.


     I began throwing my arms around in a frenzy in hopes I could grab something, anything, to not be sent to Midgard - however I was met with pillows.

     I'm in a bed, my mind told me. I worried to open my eyes, for I was afraid, for once in my life, that the darkness was better than that of the world I was thrown into.

     "Shh..." a soothing female voice whispered with a sudden warmth enveloping my hands. "Took quite a fall out there,, more like crash but..." The voice continued.

     My eyes began fluttering open at this - the first image being that of the hands holding my own. I watched as these hands moved and gently rubbed my skin before my head lifted to where my eyes settled upon a beautiful maiden. Her face was familiar and images hit so hard somewhere in my mind that all the memories came back.

     I'd landed on Midgard... on Earth... She was trying to be kind and help me, but I was not in return... I was fearful... I was in so much pain that I was lulled into a sleep.

     Somewhere in my mind her name registered as Makall.

     Makall sat beside the bed and I noticed her silky hazel hair cascading over her shoulders as she pushed a pair of eyeware up the bridge of her nose.

     "W-where am I?" I whispered, attempting to straighten myself from my slouching position on the bed. I groaned in pain as I made some attempts to sit up, but it was unbearable until she aided me. When I was settled, I felt as though I could breathe better.

     "There you are." She began as she sat back down, this time next to me on the bed. 

     Did she not know she was helping a god? Touching a god?

    "You passed out where you fell, probably your bodies' way of not killing you with pain... you hit the sand pretty rough."

     "Passed out?" I remembered being lulled into darkness but, was this what a mortal considered 'passing out'?

     "Yeah, you know, knocked out like a light, out cold, unconscious..." I stopped her mid-sentence, not wanting to hear any more pathetic metaphors.

     "Alright, alright I understand..." I tried to kindly say. She smiled and I felt bad for showing the slightest sense of being rude, she technically, helped me...

     "I thank you, mortal..."

     "Please, call me Makall. It sounds a bit better." My lips mimicked her polite smile before I ran a hand through my hair weakly. 

     "Where are you from exactly anyways?" Makall asked as she fiddled with her fingers.

     "Asgard," Makall's brows furrowed and I felt now was not the place nor time to discuss anything. "and my apologies. Thank you for, nursing me back to health." I responded with another kind smile, watching confusion then sudden understanding.

     "D-don't mention it. You slept for two days so you wern't much of a hassle." My mind began hanging on those words before a slight tinge of panic gripped me at her implication i'd slept for more than a day of their time.

     "Did you say, two days?" She nodded, letting go of my hands as her eyes looked over me - the warmth she brought to me now fading away as if it were dripping off my body.

     "Well, um, hey..." she started, standing up and looking somewhat nervous when she had just displayed the emotions on her face that she knew what and who I was, "it's probably best you take some time for yourself now that you're awake... if you do get up, the restroom is over there," she pointed to the corner of the room and I gave a questioning look. "the bathroom." She clarified. She then pointed to a paneled sliding door, "That's the closet, pick yourself out something nice to wear," and she pointed lastly to the door next to the 'restroom', "and that's where I'll be, in the living room."

     With that, I nodded slowly and watched her stride across the room to the door, disappearing behind it.

     This all felt like too much. "Why father? I may just die because of you. Those people are sure to be hunting me now..." I murmured to myself as I sat up, some of the pain from my back gone. As I pushed the sheets off my body, I slid so that I could lay my feet against the floor.

     It was cool beneath my bare feet...

     Bare feet.

     Realization hit and only now I idiotically noticed. I looked at myself with a quiet horror. Where was my armor? My clothing? My boots?

     I laid a hand on my thigh slightly, the muscle hard and probably strained from my sudden arrival to Midgard. I felt the only fabric on my body at the moment, striped pants that only went down a good few inches above my knee, and they weren't very thick either. Undergarments?

     Horrified, I stood and walked wearily to the door she pointed out as the bathing chambers.

     Maybe I could relax here.

     I made my way in and closed the door behind myself, noticing a type of tub, a curtain around its perimeter, and a nob extending out from the wall just above my head.

     Slowly I walked over, slid out of my remaining clothing and stepped in, looking at the odd nobs. Both silver but one was marked with red, the other blue. I bit my lip and grabbed the blue one, turning it and hearing the hiss of the shower before cool water cascaded down over me. I sighed and felt relaxed, just standing under it, letting it metaphorically wash away my issues.

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