Chapter 14: Before the Storm {Makall's POV}

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     I stood in a large room that had golden walls with art I'd never seen before hanging upon them as two women wearing tan gowns helped me dress. They were putting me in some sort of golden silk gown that was tied at the waist.

     "There you are, Lady Makall." One of the women, with flowing blonde hair, said with a kind smile after tying the waist from behind.

     "Um, thank you." I simply replied, still a little in shock as Loki's words replayed in my head only a few hours ago.

     Where am I?

     Asgard, my love...

     As... Asgard...

     "The Allfather has requested, as well as the Queen, that you join them for the evening meal." The other women said, just as stunning as the first, but with brown hair that was braided back. I simply nodded, a bit at loss of my words.

     "Excuse me but, if I may, what are your names?" I asked before looking down to the gown as it swayed around me feet, which were bare for the moment.

     The light brunette smiled wide at the question. "I am Zelda, and that is Crystal." They both went into a deep curtsy-bow. I couldn't help but smile when they stood. 

     "You know you don't have to do that." I assured as I sat at the edge of the bed that Zelda made, looking down to the flats that went with the dress.

     "Oh but we must, Lady Makall, for you are a guest of the Royal Family." They smiled and Crystal nodded, her hair so long it was like a veil. I couldn't help but allow a soft sigh to escape my lips. 

     "Yes and it is our duties as servants to make sure we treat you just as if you were one of their own." Crystal finished for Zelda while I slipped on my flats and stood to my feet, twirling around.

     "Well... consider me more as a friend, please. I'm not really use to the whole..." I was just about to finish when I was suddenly interuptted.

     "Oh that's right! She is the Midgardian female that the queen was speaking of right?!" Crystal blurted out.

     Zelda pinched the bridge of her nose and let her head fall foward. "You are now just figuring this out?" Maybe not everyone in Asgard was so smart.

     "Just call me Makall," I said, trying to reassure them both as I walked around the vast room "and please, and you don't have to curtsy to me."

     "But, don't they do such in Midgard to Royal Families?" Zelda asked with pure curiosity twinkling in her eyes. It was that same look that Loki had given me when he wondered about something of ours that he didn't understand. This made my heart ache a little to see him.

     "Not exactly anymore... times and traditions tend to be different but, it just depends I suppose." When I recieved only more blank responses I bit my lip softly and looked to them again. "Can you show me to the dining room, or hall... wherever it is that you eat."

     "Ah, yes. Right this way Lady..." Zelda coughed and corrected herself as she and Crystal opened the doors. "Makall, I mean." A smile tugged on my lips once more as I crossed the distance to the door and grabbing the door from Crystal, motioning for her to go through. 

     This only earned me more odd glances.

     "Where I'm from, you get used to doing this. Just go." They both laughed a little as they went through, knowing to not question it any furthur.

     Following them both out, I felt my heart stop and my eyes widen. Whoa!" The words slipped without thought as I looked out over the horizon while walking down the long hall. "This is Asgard?"

     "It is." Crystal simply stated while walking over and pulling me along. I couldn't help but smile like a fool as we walked, looking over the golden railings that kept us from falling off over the side to the water below. Sighing rather dreamily, I linked arms with both girls and soon kept my eyes ahead.

     We continued to walk on for some time as Zelda starting rambling on about Asgard, Thor and Loki's family, the palace, and so on.  I was listening attentively until we reached a pair of four large doors side-by-side at the end of our journey.

     "Here we are." Zelda nodded finally, unhooking our arms and allowing me to walk up to the doors. I was stunned, slowly walking over then letting my fingers touch the cool surface of the gold door, smooth on the pad of my finger. Slowly I pulled away my hand and walked back towards Crystal and Zelda, hugging them both tightly.

     "You have been a big help. Thank you, both of you."

     They smiled and Crystal hugged me tightly once more. "Just call and we'll be there by your side."

     "Makall?" A slightly accented voice came from down the hall. It sent a shiver through me just like it always had.

     "Loki?" I looked around the girls to see him standing tall and in all black, a hint of green on his sleeves. "Loki!" I beamed, calling his name as he hurried down the hall. He closed the distance quickly after Crystal and Zelda gave us space. With a simple swoop Loki took me into his arms and spun me around, kissing my face all over as if it had been years that we had been apart.

    I clung to him the entire time until he finally placed me down, only to pull me close and lay his forehead against mine. "I'm so glad you are finally awake." He stated with a voice sincere.

     I rubbed his cheek gently. "As am I."

     He grined and brushed his nose against my own before I pulled away and straightened my dress. "I also met two kind people. Zelda and..." I turned to show them to him, but they were nowhere to be found. "Crystal..." I finished rather quietly, looking around quickly again as if I had seen a ghost.

     How had they disappered? Shaking my head I looked back up to Loki. "It's quite alright darling. I know who you speak of."

     Feeling a little more assure after that, I nodded and walked back into his arms, clinging to him once more and whispering softly. "Am I really going to have dinner with your parents and Thor?"

     "Well of course, love. You are the woman who changed me and, as far as everyone knows, that is maybe one of the hardest of tasks. Now, please, let's not keep them waiting?" He motioned to the doors once he pulled away. He took my left hand in his right, intertwining our fingers and giving my hand a squeeze.

     "What if they don't like me Loki? What if I'm not what they want?" I shuddered at the thought and Loki began to assure me it would be fine as Thor instantly came hurrying down the corridor with Jane by his side.

     "Jane!" I called out once I saw her being tugged along as she ran alongside Thor, thanking whoever was above that she was at least here. I now, hopefully, wouldn't feel so alone. 

      "Makall!" She instantly pulled me into a tight hug once she was close enough to sprint from Thor's side to me. I sighed softly as I embraced my close friend, feeling a rush of utter relief. I opened my eyes after a few moments and looked to see Thor and Loki watching us with smiles.

     Jane and I laughed as we broke apart and walked over to our men to talk for a bit, all catching me up to speed on what I had happened over the last few months that I was in a coma, Jane apparently only arriving a few hours ago.

     "Now," Thor began, his voice loud and full of joy after a few moments of talking subsided to soft small talk. "I suggest we feast with Mother and Father!"

     At that, Jane nodded, as did Loki. "It is just us and your parents?" I asked as I clung to Loki's side. Thor nodded, him and Loki opening the large golden doors as I took Jane's hand. 

     Here went nothing.

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