Chapter 10: Thirst {Makall/Laufey POV split chapter}

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     Thor pulled me away from the door as Loki stood there, speaking to Billy before he left. But as I looked over my shoulder while Thor wrapped a blanket around me, I saw Loki stand up straight and instantly I knew something was wrong. He just stood there as if in defense while he watched Billy drive away.

     "Lady Makall, you should come sit in the kitchen while I talk to my brother." Thor looked to me and smiled reassuringly, noticing Loki's body language as well. I patted his shoulder reassuringly.

     "No, let me talk to him please. You go take care of Jane and get her up."

     "As you wish." Thor was very polite as he did not press further, leaving and walking into my room; closing the door behind him. I sighed and closed my eyes, turning to look to Darcy, who still was sound asleep. Why had the feel in the room gotten tense?

     I shook off the feeling and walked over to Loki, who leaned against the door frame; tall and handsome as he ran a hand through his messy black hair.

     Walking up behind him, I wrapped my arms gently around his torso as I lay my head on his back. He tensed instantly. Had it been something I done or what Billy said maybe?

     "Don't worry my dear; you have done nothing to upset me." His soothing voice spoke as he turned to look upon me, answering the unspoken thought. He lent down and kissed me gently before motioning us inside and closing the door.

     "How did you know what I was thinking?" I asked bluntly, not sure what was happening.

     "I can read your mind now..." was Loki's reply as he leaned against the wall. beside the front door, looking to me seriously.

     "Now, as in you only now you can?" He nodded.

     "I can't exactly explain why but... you had openly expressed you loved me and with that, gave me the key to your mind... and you heart." Loki smiled that wickedly charming smile to me as his green eyes locked with mine.

     "And let me say, you surely did openly express such to me, my love. You pleased me beyond belief." He finished and I felt my cheeks become warm when he came over and pulled me close, causing me to let out a small giggle. I was embarrassed now.

      "Because I do love you... my God of Mischief." I replied and he smiled wide with satisfaction. I smiled as I pulled away and walked to the kitchen, Loki still in the same spot.

     Sighing softly as I maneuvered around the blow up mattress and to the coffee maker, Loki appearing right next to it before I could get to it. "Are you going to start doing this now that you know my feelings?"

     I blinked a few times as he put the beans in my Cuisinart CHW-12 Coffee Maker while I walked around back to the mattress, blushing as I picked up my discarded clothing. Only now did I remember he gave me his night shirt, which barely hid anything. 

     "Maybe." Loki finally responded.

     "For the good right?" I teased as I put on my shorts under Loki's shirt. I heard him sigh though.

     "I'm a changed..." Loki stopped mid-sentence while leaning against the counter as if trying to think of what to call himself. I walked over to him and rubbed his cheek gently.

     "A changed Agardian Prince. You are just misunderstood, that's all Loki." He looked to me with those eyes again, a bit of sorrow in them.

     "I've done things I am not proud of Makall... I went to war with your kind... I tried to rule you to show that I am more than just a little monster in Thor's shadow. I wanted to show all nine realms that I am a worthy Son of Odin. Even if I am nothing more than a stolen Jotun relic."

You Belong With Me {Loki Fanfiction} Book 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant