Chapter 1: Crash Landing {Makall's POV}

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Silence hung in the air around me, hugging me as I sat in the bed of my brother-in-law's 96' Chevy. It was rather quiet except for the tunes playing from the radio, turned on low inside the truck where he sat with my sister. I was laying on my back in the bed however, minding them none when I brought my wrist up to look at the time, seeing my watch read 14:35. Of course it felt like time was irrelevant living in this small little town.

This was Scottsville, Nevada. A small town near the southern Nevada-Utah border with a population of only about 2,500. Mostly older and wealthy retirees, writers, and astronomers resided here - but there were a few who did take up the tasks of running local businesses. It was more of a quiet place for those of us who lived here, and for being a writer, it was a nice way for me to get away from the hectic usual of city life. Nothing ever changed as it was though, except for the weather - which was now changing above our heads. Dark clouds were forming over the mountains to block out the boiling sun.

"The weather report didn't say anything about a storm." Stephanie, my older sister, remarked aloud from inside the truck. Her words didn't phase me too much as I merely kept my eyes glued above with a certain curiosity. Seeing such clouds made me miss the rain and thunder that we never got around these parts.

"Maybe they made a mistake?" I offered, looking around as I sat up in the bed of the truck, feeling a single rain drop fall onto my cheek.

"I doubt it Makall...." Billy, my brother-in-law, remarked. At his words, I peeked through the back window and saw him snaking an arm around my sister as she ran a hand through her hair. I could only roll my eyes and lean back against the window. "Ben Harvey never tells a false prediction."

"Sure, but the man is 68 and maybe this is the first of many to come." I heard him laugh as I shuffled in my spot, looking at the orange desert and mountains around us. It was if we were in a bowl - flat, barren land, surrounded by dusty dry mountains. It was perfect. Quiet...

That silence was interrupted by a sudden clap of thunder, striking a rather odd fear in my sister that I hadn't seen before. "Billy..." Came my sister's panicked voice. The truck shook and caused them to get out, coming around back to where I had been sprawled out.

"It's just thunder... relax Steph." I assured her, not really knowing why she had always freaked at the sound of it. But as I spoke, my eyes went back to the sky and I watched as the sky grew darker, lightning and thunder causing it to come alive. I'd never seen the weather change so quickly nor so drastically. I decided maybe it was in fact time to head out and got out of the bed of truck to make my way inside. Stephanie waited impatiently for me to come around and get into the truck's back seat behind her own but as I stood beside her, a loud clap of thunder averting my attention. To the sky I saw the clouds forming into what looked like a funnel cloud.

 A tornado... in the desert?

 "Makall! Get In!" Stephanie shouted, but I didn't listen. Instead I closely watched the sky in awe. The way it was reacting. The wind shift...

Suddenly a louder clap of thunder made me to jump, and as I felt my nerve endings tingle from shock I saw what seemed to be person falling through the clouds. 

"What the hell is that?" Billy asked as he looked back through his rear-view mirror.

My eyes widened and both Stephanie and I jumped back out of shock when the person or object came crashing to the Earth, causing a large plume of sand to arise almost instantly upon impact  - a shock wave reaching us and blowing right past us.

Dust was everywhere and Steph and I were coughing, trying to gather ourselves. 

"It's a person..." I finally remarked as I started to move from the truck upon my own instinct, the dust and sand settling. I looked over to Stephanie and Billy, shouting to them, "... we can't just not go see what this is... c'mon!" before closing the door and running over to where the sand was settling by the impact.

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