14. Loved

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"Hey, you holding up?" Drew asks, setting a hand on my shoulder, breaking me from my daze.

Ever since I found the news out, my mind has been in a daze where I just stare off, not even thinking. Half the time I don't realize I'm doing it.

"Uh, yeah, I'll be okay." looking towards Drew then at the ground, sonething just felt off about this whole situation.

This spot is where we sat together during Sunday Church and fought wars with our feet during Christmas Eve prayers.

Now I am sitting here alone with Drew in her spot as she lays in the front. It hasn't felt real. She can't be gone—not after we promised to grow old just so we can play pranks and have pudding fights in a nursing home.

I feel an arm wrap around my shoulders, following where the arm leads I notice it's Drew.

I take a second to look around the church seeing lots of people from school, family friends, church members, bible study friends, family and comunity members.

I guess she was noticed and loved by alot of people, they all talked in low whispers as Mr. and Mrs. Anderson were talked to by many.

I look around once more, seeing a lonely figure standing in-front of it all, just staring at the closed coffin. The figure turns around, head down and takes a seat a few rows up from me.

This person had an off vibe. They weren't crying and they weren't recollecting memories with others.

The service started soon after many people went up and talked about her, though I chose not to.

James thanked her for being his and how she loved him, Navoo wished that she could have been there for her more often. Sarah promised to be more like her, Noah hoped that she would always be here supporting us all.

After that, I dazed out again, only to come back when Drew drove me to the burrial.

Standing at the edge of her grave watching the casket lower into the ground. My stomach clenched. How is this really happening?

I look up just towards the little woods right next to her grave. Across from me were her parents sobbing uncontrollably.

Behind them were friends, but within my eyesight I saw that figure turning and walking away. Glancing around, the figure walks away, calm and unaffected.

Weird... Drew places an arm around my waist while I lean on his shoulder, focusing back on the burial.

Ella, you will be forever loved.

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