12. Nightmare

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"We will continue this exercise till every single one of can do this from memory!" Coach yelled, signaling to restart for the billionth time today.

I turn around, jogging back to three quarters up the field, bending down resting an arm on my leg. With every breath of air my lungs burned as though fire lived inside them, and yet I had to continue on.

Coach's whistle blows and we all do the play again. Turning, I pushed myself the hardest yet, catching the ball and throwing it. This time it made it into the goal and I breathed a sigh of relief that finally we happened to do it right.

To Coach's disapproval of the play he yells 'again' so with an eyeroll we all jog back to our positions waiting. "Weston throw higher this time!" Glancing over to the side lines I notice coach has his arms crossed clearly unhappy.

"Yes Coach!" I answer, remembering what Ella told me-to keep my elbow up. Just keep my elbow up and I should be fine. The whistle blows and I sprint, catching the ball, probing my elbow up and throwing,making it soar much higher.

"One more time boys!" Coach yells. Rolling my eyes along with internally groaning we make our way back to the positions much slower this time.

It seems like forever as we all standing in a waiting position but the whistle never blows, I wonder if Coach is messing with us?

"Weston you are wanted!" Coach yells and I look up seeing April. Weird, isn't she Ella's best friend? What does she want?

Jogging over, Coach gives me a sad look before yelling to the rest of the team, "Practice is now cancelled for the rest of the week, as well as the game!."

April starts walking towards the bleachers, signaling me to follow which I do, cautiously though. Why is coach cancelling for so long and a game?! What is going on?

April faces away from me so I have to walk around her. When I finally see her face, she looks like a mess

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