7. Frustration

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"Pick a chick and have her come with us," Andy shouted into my ear over the booming bass.

"Those sluts look sexy and have been staring at you," Max shouted next to me, pulling a drunk bitch into his chest.

I roughly run a hand through my hair groaning, as my head continues to pound. "Hey sexy," a scantily dressed chick places her hand on my chest, but I grab her hand placing it by her side. "Not interested," she gapes and shoves past me, moving to the next guy. Definitely a slut.

As though the crowd cleared, I saw the moonlight shinning down on an angel. Instantly I was mesmerized, and as though she sensed someone staring, she turned her head, a smile on her face. She locked my eyes and her eyes seemed to glow and light up the whole club.

"What are you even looking for? Sexy?Tall? Curvy?" Max asked before shoving his tounge down the throat of another girl.

The girl I was staring at gave me a stare I couldn't read, and she flipped over her beer bottle signaling how it's empty. A smirk fell onto my face, watching as she moves away from my view.

I push through people and go in the direction she turned to but I couldn't see her. I reach the wall and don't see her. I lean my head against the cool cement, trying to stop the pounding.

"Got a headache I see," a soft voice comments quickly. I turn to see her smiling up at me but it doesn't meet her eyes.

I look her up and down, taking in the way she's dressed, seeing the silver heels and the simplest blue dress. Her hair was down in curls.

"Uhh..." I try to speak but no words come out. I clear my throat to say something but again, nothing comes out.

She smirks and gently places her hands on my temple gently massaging them. Her gaze perices directly into my eyes before moving her eyes to her gentle hands.

The headache that I've always had subsides and disappears I gape at the miracle. She notices my surprise and looks away at someone then back at me.

Again that look comes into her eyes and she grabs my wrist starts pulling me towards the back exit. Still no words come out it's as though she sonehow has muted me.

I notice we were out on the streets. She stops and looks behind her and starts to speed up a little, taking many turns and quickly cuts into an alley.

She pushes me against the side of a building and standing up taller matching my height. "Trust me for a sec," she whispers but before I could question her she kisses me, moving her hand up to my hair and I snake my hand around her waist.

We stay like this for a minute or two until she pulls away, glancing around a little. "W-what?" I clear my throat again. "what was that about?" I ask softly.

She kisses like an angel. Her eyes meet mine and I see that look again mixed with fire.

"You are officially fucked... and it's my fault."

That's how I met Ella Anderson and her dark side.

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