Oxycodone hydrochloride

'What the hell is that?' he thought to himself and he read the confusing medical warnings to see what the pills did, he didn't find anything until he got to the end:

"-Overdose Risk with Improper Administration of Extended-release Tablets (OxyContin)

-Oxycodone hydrochloride extended-release tablets are to be swallowed whole and are not to be broken.

-Chewing, crushing, or dissolving the extended-release tablets could result in rapid release and absorption of a potentially fatal dose of Oxycodone hydrochloride."

He wasn't going to let anyone ruin his life anymore. This had to be the third time he had contemplated suicide today and this time he didn't want to waste any time and let himself change his mind.

He broke the bag hurriedly and grabbed a handful of pills not bothering to read the dosage. He crushed them on the sink and collected the bits and put them in an abandoned plastic cup from the water dispenser outside. He filled the cup with about two shots worth of water and downed it in one.

Maybe it was because he was emotionally drained and tired or it was just psychological, but he could straight away feel the effect of the pills going through his system. He leaned against the bathrooms sink on the floor and started to close his eyes with a small smile. He would get to see Davy and Sirius again.


Bill waited outside the bathroom door for Harry. He didn't overly want to let him go but the situation was hard enough as it is and he really didn't want to have to drag Harry out of the hospital and back to Hogwarts. The tracing charm was still in effect and told him that he was still close by but he still didn't like it.

Bill looked at his watch, 4 minutes had been up and he knocked on the door

"Harry?" he called out at the door

"Harry?" he tried again but there was no answer.

Bill got out his wand and unlocked the door and slowly walked in and found a very ill looking Harry lying on the bathroom floor surrounded by pills.

"Shit..." he gasped to himself as

He ran down to Harry and shaked him as though to wake him up. He was even paler then usual and his breathing was very shallow.

"Harry?" he asked loudly still shaking his shoulders "Shit!"

He quickly checked his pulse, it was weak.

He looked towards the door trying to decide what to do quickly. He would be better off under magical medical care then muggles.

He picked Harry up and put him over his shoulder in a fire mans lift, which was still fairly hard to do even with the weight loss, and removed the window glass leading to outside with magic. He stepped through and ran towards Kingly and Tonks who were still waiting outside the entrance.

"What the-?" started Tonks

"He overdosed"


"We need to get back to Hogwarts" Kingsley said in a strong yet calm voice.


Hermione was frantic when she had heard that Harry was missing. She knew there was more to it than that but no one would say anything else. It was only at this point she remembered the tracing charm she had put on his phone all those months ago and they were able to use it to find him. It was a pretty simple idea and she's surprised it hadn't been used before on Harry after the amount of times he's gone missing or been kidnapped. She just wanted it to be there for emergencies and to keep him safe so when on the first day back he asked her to charm his phone so it would work (and she noticed he hadn't had that phone out of his sight since he was at the burrow) she decided to add the charm.

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