
It was now mid December and Harry's 2 week 'suspension period' was up. During this time he had written an 'apology' to Snape which consisted of a piece of paper saying "Go fuck yourself" on it, he had done a fair amount of work to catch up and he had been attending all of his sessions with healer Johnson in which he would ignore all the questions she asked and fall asleep. The professors had hoped that this period of time would help him relax a bit and get back on track and the extra sessions with Healer Johnson might help him confide in her more, yet it hasn't helped. Healer Johnson has confirmed their suspicions about the drug taking and this was why Madam Pomfrey, Healer Johnson, professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall were having a meeting to discuss what they have to do next.

"What is the next course of action?" asked McGonagall grimly "We cannot allow a student to be damaging himself like this in the school". It didn't help that they had no idea if he actually was taking drugs or not and if so how he was even getting them, they had checked his post and it didn't contain anything.

"Well when someone who is over between the age of 16 and 18 and is taking drugs it gets complicated. We don't know how serious it is and we don't want to rush into anything, it could just cause more damage. Also legally we can't make him do anything medical without a good reason" said the healer

"So then what do we do?" asked Professor McGonagall heatedly, she felt as though they were going around in circles.

"Well, as I said before the only way for us to be able to make him go for drug withdrawal treatment is to declare him a danger to himself therefore someone else would be in charge of his medical well being"

"And would I be correct in saying, that only you have the power to declare him a danger to himself?" said the headmaster with a hint of sadness.

"Correct. But as he has said nothing to make me think he is a danger to himself, I can't do anything, if I tried to it would just be appealed and stopped. So this is the hard part; in this situation the only way to get him declared a danger to himself would be if there was proof he was taking a serious amount of drugs that could lead to death"

The other two women looked slightly confused but Dumbledore thought he knew where this was going.

"So we make him take a drug test" said Professor McGonagall

"We can't make him take a drug test in a school unless he's declared a danger to himself" said the Healer with a humourless smile

"But that's ridiculous!" said Madam Pomfrey

"I believe the term is a 'catch 22'" said Dumbledore quietly

"Indeed" said Healer Johnson grimly "I've worked with lots of kids on drugs and I know that if he is taking any narcotics the last thing you want to do is go down this route, but I've seen people older and more experienced than him accidently overdose and die. The quicker we intervene the better"

"So this is a matter of urgency?" asked the headmaster

"Yes, I think so" said the healer

"Then I believe we will have to conduct a full search of the Gryffindor tower and Mr Potter's belongings"


The whole of the Gryffindor tower was searched the next day for, what the students were told, objects belonging to the dark arts. Ironically enough they had found some minor dark objects but they had found no drugs. Which lead them back to square one again.

Harry wasn't stupid. He knew it wouldn't be long until they started searching trunks so had be hiding his drugs in the room of requirement for ages now. Harry was feeling strangely isolated in Hogwarts now. He had no one to talk to and all of his friends were either staying well away or being extremely annoying. The only person he had to talk to was Davy over the phone. He was still living rough but he would soon have a place to go, in about a week he was going to live with his Uncle who lived on the other side of the estate and was spending Christmas with them. Harry didn't even want to think about what he was going to do at Christmas, hopefully wherever he was going he would be able to sneak off and see Davy and the rest of the gang.

Hooked - A Harry Potter StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora