"How about I just stare at your pretty face instead?" he asked in a mock soppy voice trying to ignore the paranoia growing inside of him.

One of the other guys laughed "That's a pretty good distraction technique"

"Yeah sure it is" said Ella rolling her eyes.

"Would you stop fucking staring at me!" Harry said suddenly towards the group in front of him in a harsh voice. The students looked shocked and quickly made their way away from Harry and out the hall.

"What were they doing?" asked Ella while the two 7th years were giving Harry strange looks.

"They keep staring at me. People keep following me" said Harry looking around him

"Harry when was the last time you slept?" asked Ella in a low voice

"In Charms I think... Why?" asked Harry. Truthly the last time he slept for more than 20 minutes was about 2 days ago. He didn't want to go to sleep anymore.

"No reason, just checking" said Ella moving from concerned to bubbly again. Harry would be fine, he's just grouchy when he's hung over, she thought to herself.

"Anyway, you wanna trip tomorrow?" asked Harry in a low voice to Ella

"Yes, I need a break from all this studying. The teachers are acting as though we're a week away from NEWTS instead of 7 months"

"Okay I'll catch you later" said Harry and walked clumsily out of the hall


Harry knocked on Professor Snape's door at 7pm that night for his Occlumency lesson and waited for the usual 'enter' before he entered the room. When he did enter Snape looked at him. There was something wrong with him and he knew it. Harry looked like a normal healthy boy but if you looked carefully enough you could see something else, like he was tired or ill, especially around the eyes. His behaviour had also become even more erratic. At first he wondered if he was just doig it for attention but now he wasn't sure... This wondering was making him even more annoyed at the boy.

"Sit Potter" demanded Snape and he pointed to the chair in front of his desk "It takes most people, 2 months of lessons to be able to block out a simple attack on the mind. Its been 4 months and you can't even do that" he said snidely

"They probably had a good teacher"

"10 points of Gryfindor. That's unlike you Potter, to blame other hard working people for your own failures" he replied sarcastically

"Whatever" said Harry impassivly and stared firmly back at the potions master.

Snape shot him a disgusted look.

"Just like you father and trust me thats nothing to be proud of" he said coldly

"Really?" asked Harry sarcastically "because everyone esle disagrees. Infact its only you who has ever said that, well you and Voldemort-"

"Do not say that name!" said Snape harshly

"Fucking wimp" muttered Harry wondering why he had even showed up to this lesson. He had skived the last two. Snape's glare seemed to get ten times nastier.

"Abother 30 points of Gryffinor. You know what I find odd Potter?" asked Snape snidely. Whatever it was Harry knew it wasn't going to be good.

"That even though your lack of effort last year had already resulted in that mutt killed, you still continue not to try. And we were under the impression that you cared for him..." he said sarcastically with a smirk.

Harry was so angry at this point that he couldn't think of a come back. Instead he just stared Snape down. Although Harry did blame himself for Sirius's death, in his eyes it never, ever gave Snape any right what so ever to say it.

Hooked - A Harry Potter StoryWhere stories live. Discover now