"Actually Harrydidn't give any reason to any of actions except that he was stressed" commented Dumbledore calmly. The four were in the staff room back at Hogwarts.

"What if he doesn't come back Albus?" asked McGonagall

"Then we make him" said Moody

"I do believe" said Dumbledore in a slightly raised voice to stop an argument starting "That Harrywill return, a few days to clear his head might be a good idea" he finished thoughtfully.


Davy's little run down house soon became Harry's favourite place to be, easily beating the Dursleys, the burrow and even Hogwarts. He had the freedom to do whatever he liked with Davy and in the 3 short days he had in West hill he took advantage of that. On their second night Davy managed to get them into a club with a few of his more 'unusual' friends where Harrygot in another fight with some drunk, making his hand worse, and they didn't get home until 4 in the morning. On their 3rd night Davy and Harrygot so stoned they couldn't even stand and for once in his life it didn't matter as he didn't have to go running off anywhere the next morning so no one got suspicious.

Another great thing about Davy's was that he could do as much drugs as he liked whenever he liked without worrying about getting caught or told off. He had never had this much freedom in his life. He wished he could just live here forever with Davy instead of going back to his other repressed and doomed life.

But he knew he had to go back. No matter how hard it was he had to go back and do the job he was literally born to do.

This is why Harryfound himself still stoned at Kings cross station at 9.20 waiting for Ella to appear on the platform so they could go find a compartment together. The train was leaving earlier than the summer one as everyone had to be back for the Halloween feast. He really wasn't looking forward to seeing the Weasley's again. He knew that they cared about him but they were suffocating him. He thought the good think about having no parents is that no one can boss you around and tell you what to do. He got that bit wrong he thought to himself bitterly.

"Harry!" came a voice and he turned around to see Ella in her the same white winter coat she left in. She ran up to him and gave him a hug.

"How were your holidays?" she asked but Harrywasn't concentrating. He could see a crowd of ginger hair just in the distance and following them was a distressed looking Remus and Tonks.

Harrypulled Ella down and dragged into the nearest compartment which was near the end of the train.

"Ella do me a massive favour" he started "Can you go tell Ron and his family out there that I'm safe and sound in the train, but do it in a casual way, Okay?"

Ella frowned slightly but agreed "Okay" she said brightly and skipped out of the train towards the Weasley's. Harryleft his and her luggage in their compartment and went to hide in the nearest toilets down the hall so he wouldn't have to talk to any of them. He knew that a bad conversation was coming his way but he wanted to hold it off for as long as possible. He had decided last night with Davy that it would be best to hide all of his gear for a while. He didn't know how seriously Dumbledore and the other teachers would take the drug allegations but he couldn't risk them searching him and his trunk. Which was why he was wearing a small drawstring bag under the black tracksuit jacket he borrowed of Davy. In this bag was his invisibility coat contained all the gear he had, besides alcohol which he could risk hiding later. As soon as he got to Hogwarts he would go under the invisibility coat and leg it to the room of requirement where he could hide it.

Harrylooked at his watch, it said 9.29. It was probably safe now for them to see him as they couldn't try to strike up a conversation when the leave was going to leave in less than a minute. He walked out of the trains toilets and passed the windows over towards his and Ella's compartment. He saw Remus and Bill and they froze and looked straight at him. Harryjust nodded at them and made his way back to his compartment.

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