"Well Professor, I was wondering if I could talk to you about Harry..." said Hermione

Professor McGonagall expression went slightly stern "Ah yes, I'm not really suprised" said the professor in a disapproving tone

"Yes well, he seems distant and has mood swings all the time and he's acting in ways he wouldn't have before. I'm worried he hasn't really grieved properly for Sirius" said Hermione desperately, it was important professor McGonagall knew how worried she was

The professor thought for a moment before speaking. She had already gotten some mild yet unusual complaints off other teachers about him being late or falling asleep in lessons. Also his homework has been a disgrace; she couldn't even read one piece he handed into her.

"His behaviour has been bad of late; if I remember correctly he received 8 detentions in the first week back, though some of them had already been given during the holidays for whatever reason... Is there anything else I should be aware about?"

"Well, he smokes now, mostly with that Ella girl, he would have never done that before" she said sadly. This wasn't news to the professor though; she had already seen him smoking about the castle and had given him lines for it. Ella smoking wasn't much of a surprise though.

"Okay Miss Granger, thank you for informing me. For now I will keep an eye on him and see what happens"

"Thank you Professor"


"I wish you could meet them, you'd love 'em" said Harry talking fast while lighting a cigarette. It was 7 in the evening and they were in their usual place on the astronomy tower. He had decided he'd trust Ella and tell her about the friends he made over the Summer after she told him about some of hers.

"Me too..." started Ella "Hey, why don't we? It's Thursday today and this weekend is a Hogsmeade Weekend; we could just sneak off for the day!"

"How could we? They live in Surry"

"The night bus. Duh" she said flicking ash at him smiling

"Shit yeah, the night bus, why didn't I think of that?"

"Because you smoke way too much of this stuff, you do know that alcohol and cannabis destroys brain cells" said Ella

"Yeah, I can tell" he replied pointedly.

"Yeah so tomorrow we go see them? I haven't snuck off since 5th year"

"Why wait until tomorrow?" asked Harry with a mischievous grin

"How else-You know another way out?" she asked impressed. She didn't know he had it in him...

"Yep, we could sneak out and get the night bus over to Surry. We'll both get changed so no one out there gets suspicious. And I'll probably go under my invisibility cloak to seeing as a lot of people want to kill me right now" he added as an afterthought.

"Sounds good to me" said Ella cracking a huge grin "You have an invisibility cloak?"

Harry just smiled. They both went and got changed. Harry told Ron and Hermione he had a late detention and not to stay up and wait for him. Harry and Ella met up on the fourth floor where the one eyed witch passage was. Harry had already called Davy to tell him he's coming over and they'd wait for him at the park.

They came up from Honey dukes cellar and Ella signalled for the night bus and they both got on (Harry still being under his invisibility cloak) and it took 30 minutes to get to Surry. The bus dropped them off at a local Library in Little winging. When they got there they went down an alley and Harry took of his invisibility cloak and put a back baseball cap on to cover his face a bit, just in case. He put the cloak in the bottom of his small rucksack, that was filled with booze he had left and some weed and they made their way down to the park.

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