"Fuck" Harry gasped

Davy covered the whole of Harry's back as quickly as possible so he could start to feel comfortable again. Harry's back stinged painfully and felt as though he couldn't move it.

"Did you bring that cream" asked Davy

"Yeah" said Harry passing him an old anti septic cream from the Dursleys medical cabinet. He'd had it hidden in his room for years now after a particular beating left him with an infected cut on his arm. Davy slowly rubbed generous amounts onto Harry's back and then started to cover them with bandages and large padded plasters.

"You're lucky we still have all this shit in the house you know" commented Davy referring to the plasters.

"I'm grateful for it. Why do you have them though?" asked Harry

"Brother got in a nasty accident on his bike" said Davy "He needed loads of stitches and his bandages had to be replaced every so often and they gave us too many. This ain't even half of them; they've just been lying round for years"

"How's that feeling?" asked Davy

"Much better, thanks mate" said Harry sincerely "I seriously owe you one"

"It's okay mate, any time" said Davy smiling.

"By the way do you want something a little stronger for the pain?" asked Davy

"Yeah sure, what've you got?" asked Harry

Davy took out a small bottle of pills and chucked them over to Harry

"How much?" asked Harry

"£20 will do" said Davy

"You sure?" asked Harry, usually stuff like this would cost at least £50

"Yeah, its fine, they didn't cost me anything"

"Okay, cheers" said Harry handing him the money. "What exactly is it?"

"Vicodin, just a good pain killer. Got me through some tough times in school" he smiled

"Why? What happened in school?" asked Harry

"Algebra" he replied "Come on, I said we'd meet Lucy in about half an hour"

Harry took two of the pills and they both walked out of the old house together and headed out towards their usual park.

"By the way, could you not mention this to the guys or anything?" asked Harry

"It's okay, I won't say anything, but your gonna have to come up with one hell of a story for those bruises on your face" he replied.

"I think I got drunk and fell down the stairs"

"The stairs it is" said Davy.

He and the group did their usual routine in the park that night, even though Harry was exhausted from everything his body had been through in the last 24 hours, he still stayed as he couldn't stand to stay in his relative's house.

Even though Harry had known the guys for a good couple of weeks he still found himself learning more and more about them as the days went by. On this particular night he learned something new about Davy. Harry was talking and smoking joints with Will on the swing set when Davy wondered off to the edge of the park where he met 2 guys wearing hoods and talked with them for a few minutes and exchanged something.

"What's Davy up to?" asked Harry

"Flippin' birds" Will replied. Harry gave him a questioning look.

"It means he's selling coke"

"Oh" said Harry. He knew he dealt a bit of drugs, as he supplied the group with most of what they used, but he didn't know he dealt to complete strangers too.

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