So Harry carried on with his routine and waited until it was 11.15 before sneaking out of the Dursleys and made his way to the park. When he arrived Summer ran up to him and jumped on him giving him a hug while shouting 'happy birthday!'. Harry laughed and let her lead him over to the rest of the group by the park bench in the corner where he saw the largest collection of vodka he'd seen yet. Tonight was gonna be fun he thought to himself.

"Harry my man!" Davy shouted, surprisingly to Harry he sounded quite sober, Lucy gave him a look

"We decided we'd wait for you before we started" said Lucy "That way some of us would be able to make it past 2 in the morning" she said pointedly looking over at Davy while Harry laughed

"Well now I'm just going to have to drink twice as much to compensate it" he said haughtily "Happy birthday Harry! Well in 20 minutes anyway..." he turned to look at his watch

"Here" he said handing Harry a bottle of Absolut vodka "from the gang and tonight all the alternative medication you want is on us" he said with a wink

Harry laughed again "Thanks, this'll keep me going for a while"

"No problem mate" Will said "I suggested a birthday cake, but Davy thought you'd like this better"

"One of Davys smarter moments I have to say" said Lucy paying Davy a rare compliment

"Why am I still sober?" Davy suddenly burst out, not listening to the conversation going on.

Everyone just laughed and passed bottles round to each other.

"Okay, after we say cheers you have to chug as much of the bottle in 10 seconds" said Lucy smirking

"Sounds good to me" said Davy and joined in the circle of friends on the grass

"Cheers" they all shouted and started to drink

Hermione Granger was sitting on her window sill in her bedroom staring out into the sky where she had just sent Hedwig back to Harry's with his birthday present attached to her leg. She hadn't heard from him in two weeks now and she was starting to worry about him. She knew he was in no immediate danger but she saw how Sirius's death had affected him last year and she worried about him even more now he was cooped up with those muggles who hated him while he grieved. She had sent him a few letters asking how he was and if he ever needed to talk she would always be there for him but it was hard when she was far away, not helped by the fact that Harry was a very stubborn person who kept his feelings locked away.

She had even thought about going to visit him in person, just as a muggle. She even planned the journey just in case, it would only take an hour or so on the train. She didn't think Dumbledore would have a problem with it and his aunt and uncle might not mind as she would travel and dress like a muggle, but she wasn't a 100% sure, she didn't want to cause any trouble for Harry. She wrote to Ron as well about the idea and he thought it could be a good idea. Ron was also worried about Harry (though not as much as Hermione, typical boys she thought) and wanted him to come stay at the burrow soon but Dumbledore told them that Harry had to stay for a while longer for the blood wards.

Maybe she was being a bit dramatic she thought to herself, after all Dumbledore knows what he's doing. But she'll still think about going to visit Harry if he doesn't write back.

Back at the park it was 4am and the group of friends had already gotten completely wasted and were now starting to come down from their highs. Harry was just smiling leaning against a tree on the grass thinking about how happy he is at the moment. He saw summer walk over and sit next to him.

"You having a good time?" she asked. Summer had steadied herself tonight knowing she might have to stop the others getting in trouble again.

"Yeah its the best night ever" he said slurred. He'd never felt so relaxed in his life

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