Chapter 19: Unsual deals

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WAEC requirement were five credits and and being an 'A' student geography and maths were my only fear,  the rest I could handle just fine.

"That's it." I point to a shop where they sold antiques.

We get in and the smell of pinewood and ointments hits our nostril. I had a vague memory of ointments but could easily perceive one when I see it. We walk around the shop for some minutes going through the once priceless possessions of people. There was a old table which dated as far back as the early nineties.

What do people want with this?.

I run my hands on the smooth polished table top thinking of the generations before; they were good users of resources. Leave this precious piece with our new day generation and watch the demise of a generational legacy.

"Tammy, Tammy." I raise my head looking at my friends who signaled me to come over to the other side. I meet up with them as Nancy places a a finger on my lip and points to the door. At the front desk was Faye talking to the sales representative, standing alone without her entourage.

"What is she doing here?" I mouth to them turning back to see her looking in our direction and then leave smiling.

"Did she see us?" Esther asks breathing a sigh of relief.

"I don't think so." Nancy shakes her head.

"What was she doing here?  You think she followed us down here." I peer from the window watching her get into her car. "She drove herself."

I look to see their shocked faces. Faye was the daughter of the presidential candidate and its never been seen for an offspring of such a high reputation to move without her entourage.

"Something is definitely wrong here. I'm going after her." Nancy marchs out while we run after her like trotting chickens.

"Nancy wait." I call out, I've been a witness to her bad driving and wasn't going to let her bash my mom's car. I wouldn't hear the last of it.

Luckily she waits and rides shotgun again as Esther took her place at the back. I pick up speed as I follow Faye's car from behind, we had no idea where we were going but we just tailed her hoping to know what's up.

I pull over at an eatery when she does creating space to avoid being seen but enable us watch. We watch as she gets down form her car and stride majestically to the eatery, raking a hand through her hair as she did so. I turn to see Nancy biting her lips, that girl knew all the steps to kill Nancy's modelling career.

"Let's go in." Esther alights in full bossy mode.

Oh evil bitchy Faye, you don't know what you've done.

We walk in casually and sit at a booth to the far end of the eatery. We had barely relax when a waitress got to our table to take our order.

"Uh Uh." I understood Nancy immediately. We hadn't come prepared, to avoid suspicion I run through the menu and place an order.

"I'll have strawberry shortcake and a plain medium size hollandia yoghurt." I smile at my friends who're yet to make up their minds.

"Make that two please." Esther orders looking around the eatery not bothering to lift her menu.

"Uhm! I'll have lean chicken nuggets and chilled water." Nancy says sweetly to the waitress who took our orders and left.

"Nancy." we call out at once.


"You're starving yourself." I glare at her.

"I ordered something, your meals contain too much calories."

"Oh please, you never eat more than a handful and then you run of to the restroom." I hear Esther whisper.

"Nancy are you bulimic?" I lower my voice to match hers.

"Of course not, I eat everyday just as you two but never as much. So." she shrugs like it wasn't a big deal.

"I just hope you know what you're doing." I've noticed her visits to the restroom moments after eating but never paid attention to it. If she was bulimic she needed help and I was going to help her.

Soon the waitress came with our orders and a napkin which she hides under my dish before leaving. We turn to stare at her retreating figure before shifting our attention back to the hidden napkin.

"I've beard of secret messages in napkins. Maybe the gods have chosen us." Nancy laughs lowly.

"Yeah, gods of doom." I chip in.

I had just unravel the napkin when we heard a voice. We turn around and see Faye smirking at us.

"Well well well, if it's not the three misses of our community I wonder who it'll be. Luckily the people don't know you or else." she looks at me with disdain knowing I understood what she meant.

Thankfully my arrest was only on Lakeview news and we were far from there.

"What do you want Faye." I roll my eyes.

"Yea. Where are your friends?", Nancy stretch the word 'friends' in a mocking tone.

"Oh, them. They should be good. And to answer your question." she slides in the booth beside me. "I want to make a deal."

I look at my girls and then back at her like she's gone crazy, well obviously she had because why would Faye Williams, queen bee of Jacob high, daughter of the presidential candidate and my arc enemy be sitting beside me and wanting to strike a deal.

"Hmmm. And what's this deal?" I hold my breath waiting for the worst because with Faye things are bound to get crazy.

"In exchange for finding out how to open your nightstand you'll come with me to my father's campaign dinner alone."


How on earth did she know about the nightstand. What else does Faye Williams know.

Thanks for reading even if I know we're all prepared for Faye's father campaign dinner.

Game Changer | Lakeview Community √ (Completed) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang