Author's Note & Main Characters

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Hi friends thanks for checking out my book. It's my first time writing here and I don't know what you expect so please your comments will be highly appreciated so I can get better.
The first chapter is really short but then the drama just began.
Remember its my first time so I'd love you to go with the flow.

NB: This is a work of fiction, the ideas, names and towns are a figment of my imagination. No part of this book should be published or translated.

(Undergoing Editing)

©Vincent Chisom

Main characters

Tammy- Courageous, attentive and determined to put an end to the community psychic.

Victoria- the out spoken one, a fashionista with a strong will to survive.

Esther- the most supportive friend who seems to know more than she let's out.

Nancy- the weakest one and upcoming model with an addiction.

Michael- girls charmer, easy going but with a disorder.

Gozie- Party freak and badass.

Faye- the queen bee who knows every secret. The most popular high school teen and manipulator with a skill at getting things out of her way.

And lastly.....

Hermes- the mysterious killer who sends letters to the next victim with the blood of the current victim. The one who seems to have the master plan Faye wishes to have.

Love you and don't forget to vote.

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