Chapter 5: News....not good

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Tammy's POV

I toss and turn all night thinking about Vicky's family problem, since sleep decided to run far away from me I decided to get a glass of milk from the kitchen.
I tiptoe to the door to avoid waking the girls when I hear a distant scream, takimg a quick glance at the wall clock I see it's two a.m, who could be watching TV at this hour.
My trip to the kitchen forgotten when I hear footsteps running, I go over to the window too scared to pull the blinders lest the runner sees me. Doubling my steps I go outside and risk taking a look then I see the figure retreating two blocks away before zooming off in a black car. This only happen in films but can it be real.

"You've seen too many movies" I scold myself.

I go back to the comfort of my bed and will myself to sleep, thankfully it came this time.


"It was a dream Tam, or you must have sleepwalked.", V told me over the phone when I called her.

I woke up to find out the girls had left cause it was a school day for them and Vicky been my best bestie was the only one I told.

"Maybe, but it felt real. Bye girl I got to go now.", I told her assuring myself it was a dream.

These are one of the times I hate public school, we resume a week late and the boredom is always killing. Finding nothing to do I decide to take a stroll when I hear police vehicles approaching.
That's a new one I thought, Lakeview community is known for its quietness and whatever happened to have warrant this must be big.

I watch as the police van and ambulance make a turn towards Joe's street, the high class like the snobs live there. Lakeview is one of the highbrow areas in Abuja but even then its divided into section, the high class, the middle class and the low men; funny how they are low men in a rich area. My family was fortunate to have won a land grant if not we couldn't afford it and It's actually no news that we live mostly on the tips from my dad's construction works.

The return of the ambulance brings me back to reality and I see two police van ply the same route, as much as intriguing the scene was I knew better than to go there.
I go back inside switching the channel to lakenews, yes, that's how rich this community was.

"....gun shots.....and from the report of the health workers she has been dead for almost seven hours.....", the reporter said.

"Seven hours.".

I check the wall clock to see it was already nine, seven hours that means she was dead by two.

The scream.

I hadn't imagined it, it was real. Someone had been shot at that time and the killer was who I saw retreating into his car.

I sank deep into the chair oblivious of my surrounding, I was shocked no doubt and scared. Someone has disrupted the peace of our community. I would have raised an alarm when I saw him, and then what, lead him to us and watch  him gun down my family too.

I remember the murder news in the paper, the killer was at large and was presently in our community.
Still lost in my thinking I hear a familiar ringtone, realizing its my phone I reach for it when I see the caller, Vicky, she must have heard the news.

"Hello.", I say with a shaky voice.

"Tammy you weren't kidding, it was no dream.", I hear her whisper into the phone.

"I'm scared V, what if the killer is out there. Hope you've told no one.", right now my safety was so important.

"I didn't." she assures me. "I brushed it off after our call thinking it was a silly joke Tam. Do you think it's the same killer from the newspaper?"

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