Chapter 27: Freedom came first.

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Tammy's POV

Its been twelve sundowns since my aborted escape mission. One that left me in pains for days after the discipline which almost rendered me useless.

I stare at Bukky, mumbling some words to herself in the corner. Words that never made sense but left her laughing till she cried to sleep. Insanity is the only sane thing down here and days has become useless as we're left to rot with no care whatever.

The breaking of furniture upstairs gets my attention as their voices grew louder. They were having an argument.
I tiptoe to the door to get a bit of their information and freeze in shock as they apportion blames to each other.

"Shut the hell up. I told you to clean up the mess and you ended up making a bigger mess." One yells at the other.

"Your papa. Who you be? (who are you?) I told you not to involve that girl but you didn't listen."

"Guys calm down, calm down." Another shouts and the noise dies down a bit. "If boss meet this mess, na wahala o (it's trouble). Imagine after keeping a clean record, we let this small small girls ride us."

"Abi o. Now you got that badass lawyer involved." another chips in.

"Barrister Temitola?" The first voice asks.

"Oh yes. And the case just got from bad to worst."

Silence follows and I step down again, I've heard enough to fuel my hope.

"Bastard." Someone screams.

"Put off the fire." Added another.


Bukola looks up immediately and like the speed of an hare I grab her. This is our chance to escape, this is the freedom we've been waiting for. Thankfully she understands the need for action and doubles her step.

I reach for the key at the usual post, almost screaming for joy when the door flew open.
Grabbing her once more we race down the field leaving the burning house behind. Glad to be almost out of danger zone, help was sure to come on the highway. Without any warning we heard the blast.

Black out.

Esther's POV

The fluttering of the beautiful butterfly had no calming effect on Vicky's unease. I watch as she trains her eyes on the little winged animal. No smile or twinkling of her eyes which is an unusual response to the colourful display right on her laps.

We've made camp at the sea shore, too scared to go home, too broke to mingle. She stare long at it before swapping it out of her laps.

"Vicky. Vicky. Victoria Abayomi."

"Hmm." Was all she grunted, no words said.

Thank God Barrister Temitola agreed to defend us. Even after her initial refusal to not handling the case without my dad's consent, she finally conceded when she learnt Inspector Lawerence was in charge of the case.
There was no love lost between those two following her defeat three years ago on a smuggling case. I'm sure she vowed never to lose one again because ever since, she's defeated all odds and eventually made the top ten lawyers list at a young age of twenty five. Talk about young money.


"Finally she talked."

"Will Tammy die?" the strain in her voice barely made me hear her.

"No she won't. She'll pull through just like everyone of us."

"Gozie didn't pull through." her body vibrates as she breaks into loud sobs.

"Some things are just meant to be."

I shiver as I remember that word.

We stay in silence for few minutes before a shrill tone disrupts the moment.

"It's yours Vicky."

"Pick it."

I nod reaching for her phone. "Hello."

"We've found them." the voice on there other side says.



That's it, that's the final chapter for this series.

I'll be dropping a set of clues which you probably missed.
Remember Gozie's still missing and Nancy's bored in jail.

Need something in the sequel? Drop your scenes as comment and you might just have things go your way.

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