Always another case to close

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- end of dream -


You woke up, practically jumping out of your bed with a cold sweat

You panted heavily

Your heard footsteps run up to you

"What happened? Are you ok!?" Nick asked worried

"Doll are you ok?"
He asked

You noticed he changed out into his old outfit
Looks like he cleaned it

He came closer to you and wiped away a tear, you didn't even noticed that you where crying

You didn't say a word

"What happened?.. would you like to tell me?" Nick asked

You shook your head in 'no'

"Ok.." he said as he got up to leave

You stopped him by pulling on his tie
You shook your head again

You pulled him to the bed making him to lay down with you

Making space for him
He threw off his shoes and got in underneath the sheets

You snuggled in with him
Resting your head on his chest
Nick simply rapped an arm around you while playing with your hair

You felt something wired in your chest

It was always with nick though

Looking up at him
You studied his eyes

"Kinda miss the old yellow eyes.." you said

"Yeah? Kinda like the new me.. though, I wish I kept the some of my memories Doctor amari erased but, at least no ones hurting you now.." he smiled

"Why do you always do that?" You asked a little annoyed

"Do What?" He asked

"That! You always sacrifice yourself! For me! And I just can't do anything all I can do is.." you paused

"What doll?" He asked looking into your (c/e) eyes

"Nothing, forget about it.." you said digging your face into his chest

- time passed -

With the silver shroud costume at hand
You and nick went back to Goodneighbor and headed inside of the memory den

Nick went to check out with amari to see if everything going well

You went to Kent with the costume

You watched as his eyes lit up with excitement

"There She is! The Shroud costume herself!" Kent said

"I hope you like it, oh and before I forget!" You pulled out a paper out of your back pocket

Hanging it to him, you watched Kent's eyes cry form tears of joy

"Y-you got this?... for me?" He said with tears falling down

"Yeah, when I saw it I thought of you and thought that you'd like it" you said with a hand rubbing the back of your neck

"Like it? I LOVE IT!" He yelled out hugging you

You smiled sweetly at him, just as you where about to leave the room. He called out for you

"W-wait!" He yelled with an arm stretched out for you
"Um.. I was thinking, I'm not the hero type.. I'm more of a sidekick you know? I was thinking maybe... you can be the silver shroud?"

You where taken back a bit

'Me? As the Shroud?' You questioned yourself

"Why not? You're already doing good, night as well continue it as something bigger"

You heard a voice coming from behind
You faced the person to see nick, his blue eyes eying you down as he smiled

"I think you being as the silver shroud would be a cute look on you dont you think?" He teased you

You noticed it and decided to tease him back

"Well, I would but I wouldn't dare to steal your look in black Nicky~" you smirked

"Why not the both?" Kent called out
He was smiling as he gave you the outfit. 

"Goodneighbor! There's some thugs around the streets of Goodneighbor shroud! And it's up to you to take them down!" He said excited. 

"Please? Just one night! Be the shroud for one night!" He said as he looked at with sad puppy eyes. 

You faced nick to ask for a little help but he just smiled.

You sighed and agreed to Kent's offer of being shroud for one night. 

Even though you did see his face, but you could tell that nick liked your choice.

Changing into the outfit.

You smiled as of how well the fitted you.
Not too tight, not too lose.

Kent looked at you with so much respect in his eyes
You felt honored

After talking with Kent about his plan

You and nick left the memory den and of into the streets ready to stop a few bad guys

"First stop, the back allies"


Hay, I'm sorry I haven't updated anything in a while

I've been kinda busy now a days
And I just haven't been able to continue the story

I know where I'm going with this but for some reason it's just so difficult for me to write it out

And sorry for this being really short I hope you understand
I do plan on updating more though
Thank you so much for reading this
Love you all

          - Nani

Metal Love (Nick Valentine x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang