Your background

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You where 6 years when lost your life

It was a cool snowy night you walked for miles but was never able to find your way back home
Still one day you found the airport of where your family and a few other people camped. You where so close and the water was covered in a thick layer of ice.. well, not everywhere.
You decided to cross the water for a little short cut
Your little feet and hand where practically numb
You started to walk a little bit faster, it was a long walk across the ice but little did you know that the ice was breaking underneath you
You stopped, and listened. You looked around to see if there anything around nothing to your right, just more ice you looked to the left and noticed a figure in the distance, watching you you still Didn't know what was making the sound then.

Your whole body was under the ice into the dead cold water
"Kid!" You heard a voice far off the distance
Was it the figure?
You struggled to get back up
You tried to grab the ice to pull yourself back up but the ice could no longer hold your little body

Your clothes started to make you heavy you struggled to even breath for air
The clothes got heavier and heavier
You couldn't hold you breath anymore
Your body slowly started to give up
You had no energy left
You felt your little body fall deeper into the water
You watched the little the light that the hole gave off
You closed your eyes and opened them again
To see a figure braking the ice and making a bigger hole and jumped in

Your body became numb and your eyes got heavy
Your eyes slowly closed as you watched the figure get closer and closer to you

Your eyes slowly opened you the sound heard of cracking of a fire next to you

You looked around you, it looked like to be a small cabin getting off the bed
you grabbed the blanket that was covering you and wrapped yourself into a walking burrito. You slowly made your away around and saw a man
Looking away from you sitting at a desk
He had a white shirt on with black pants
He looked like he didn't have any hair

"Um.. mister?" Your little voice spoke
The man turned around and showed his glowing yellow eyes
You felt fear but yet comfort
But you still kept your distance

"Glad to see you up kiddo, beginning to think I didn't make it in time.." he said his voice was so calming to listen to you felt safe with him

You stepped closer to the man getting closer to his face
The little light that his desk lap gave off wasn't a lot but just enough to see his face
You reached out your small hand to the mans face
"What happened to you? Why are you broken? Was it because of me?"
The man held your hand in his, and rested his face on it
As if he never felt a human being touch him before

" what's your name kid, what were you doing out there walking across the ice like that? Where are your mom and dad?"
He asked

"Um.. I'm (y/n), I'm 6 years old.. I was walking to get to my mom and dad at the airport. I thought I would take a short cut and walk the ice to get there fastest.." you said as you shivered and held your arms in a attempt to make yourself warm

"Here, put this on.." the man said and placed a winter coat around you over the blanket
"Sorry the blankets thin, I don't usually get cold or anything" he said a little disappointed

"What's your name sir?" You asked in your sweet little voice

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm Nick, Nick Valentine. I'm a synth.. just a machine" the room fell into silence
"Here, do you like to draw?" Nick asked Breaking the silence
"Yeah!" You said excitedly
You watched him bend down and opened a drawer and pulled out a note book along with a pencil
He patted his lap telling you to sit
You hesitated but for some reason you knew you where safe with him
You dropped the blanket and placed your arms in the sleeves of the winter coat and sat on his lap
You started to draw Random little things
Nick reached over his desk to turns on the radio

Next is organ colored sky by Nat King Cole

I was walking along
Mindin' my business
When out of the orange colored sky
Flash, Bam, Alakazam
Wonderful you came by

I was hummin' a tune
Drinkin' in sunshine
When out of that orange colored view
Wham, Bam, Alakazam
I got a look at you

You taped your fingers to the tune and continued to draw
"What you drawing kiddo?" Nick asked
You finished your drawing and showed him
"It's you!" The little figure liked like a real tall man for dots as eyes
Nick couldn't help but laugh a little
"It's amazing I love it"

- time pass -

"Are you sure it's here?" Nick asked looked down at you holding your hand
"Yes! There where here! L-look see! That was where we camped!" You said as you pointed at the empty area with nothing but the ground

"Kid.. I don't wanna say this but.. they might have left.." nick said pausing in his sentence

"N-no.. they wouldn't leave with out me.. would they?" You asked turning to face nick. He couldn't make eye contact with you he just looked at the ground
You felt sorrow, tears running down your eyes
You couldn't help to but cry
You let yourself drop to the ground and cry your eyes out
Nick crouched down and hugged you from the back
Your head hung low
"I'm sorry.." was all nick said
You stayed like that for a while
You practically cried yourself to sleep
Nick carried you back to the cabin and decided to take care of you for a while at least till your mom and dad came back
- time pass -
The days where still very snowy blizzard became something that happened often
Nick thoughts it was getting to cold for you to be sleeping in the cabin so he started working to feed you and work for a new home at a place he found called diamond city he said that's where all the songs have been playing from.
You knew your away around Boston and back to the Cabin
You did your daily walk to the airport hoping that your mom or your dad would show up
Just one day, they will
You've been doing this for almost a year now,
You got better clothes to get through the cold
You waited for hours
Still nothing, it was getting late the winds were getting started getting stronger
"Better get home, before nick gets worried" you took the last gulp from your nuka cola and light jogged your way to the cabin.
Finally getting to the cabin you opened the door and found nick standing across from you with his arms crossed
'Oops..' You thought to your self

"Where have you been? Do you know what time it is?" He said acting like a father
"Sorry nick, I lost track of time and the wind was making it hard to walk forward" you said truly but still nervous
Nick sighed
"Ok.. don't do that again.. I know you really want them to come back but staying out there with the blizzard it's going to help.." he said with a hand on your head messing up your hair
"Go to bed kid, it's late.." he said
You did as he asked

"yeah?" He responded

"What happened to your hand?" You asked
Nick hid his hand behind him

"Uh.. it happened during work today.. it's fine" he said. You turned to face him
"Can I see?" You said holding out your little hands
Nick held out his right hand
Showing the metal bones

"It doesn't hurt I'm fine, really. go to bed tomorrow we are heading to diamond city" he said and pulled his hand away from you
"Ok.. goodnight nick.." you said and walked to bed
"Night (y/n).."

Metal Love (Nick Valentine x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now