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You slowly opened your eyes to find yourself in a warm comfortable bed
Looking over at the left side of you was a wall
There was a piece of paper
You recognized it

It was your run away note, you hated the fact that you left nick like that
You never wanted to hurt him
Facing away from you look at the right to see a lit candle and a teddy bear next to it

Sitting up you stretched your arms as far as they could feeling your body cracking
You threw your bed sheets off of your and threw your legs out and made your bed

You looked in your drawer to see two pieces of clean clothes left that you had in your backpack
A white shirt and black shorts
The white shirt over lapped the shorts making it look like you had nothing under

You felt the room a little cold
looking around the room you see a recognizable winter coat
"He kept this too?!" You said grabbed the coat and threw it on

You felt safe and warm in the coat it was what nick first gave you

Heading down stairs you see the room empty
Nick wasn't there
You looked around maybe he'd left a note

Looking around his desk and in the drawers you found nothing

Till you looked up at the door
A note on it

I left to get you more clothes for today and the rest of the week I hope you like them, I'm not good with fashion
- Valentine

"Well then I have the place to myself" you said as you sat down at the desk
You decided to look through more files while you waited for him

Pulling out one
You read the file

"' mysterious stranger' huh, interesting nick, what you got for me to read?" You said as you pulled out a Fancy lad cake

You opened the box and stuffed your mouth and started to read.

Sightings of a man dubbed "The Mysterious Stranger" have been popping up sporadically across the old U.S. for years now.

Best case, the man's an amoral lunatic.

Worst case, a prolific serial killer.

All anyone knows is his MO: appearing suddenly, killing without remorse, disappearing without a word. "The Stranger" has no known accomplices, no clear method for selecting his targets, no calling cards left behind.

Sightings range from the NCR all the way to the East Coast, stretching back decades. Now he's come to the Commonwealth.

Last thing this place needs is another psychopath running amok. Time to start putting together the pieces to put this one away.

DESCRIPTION Human male. Outfits vary, but most recent sightings describe a large overcoat and fedora (guy has taste, I'll give him that much).

"Oh nick.. your truly are one of a kind.." you said as you stuffed a cake in your mouth and continued reading

One man? Multiple men? A Ghoul with minimal scarring? Might explain the long passages of time between sightings.

Appears and disappears suddenly, suggesting preternatural infiltration abilities/access to advanced cloaking tech.

All but the earliest descriptions suggest "The Stranger" uses only conventional arms, making infiltration training more likely.

(Perps like this make me wish the Institute had sprung for thermal detection before giving me the boot.)

Just as you finished reading, nick slammed open the door making you drop an open box of fancy lads cake
"I'm home!!" Nick yelled out loud and proud

Metal Love (Nick Valentine x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now