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You where deep in your sleep till you felt tapping on your shoulder
"Hay kiddo, time to get up"
You squirmed around the bed not wanting to get up
"Come on.. don't make me wake you up the hard way.." he said with arms crossed
You just muffled screamed into the pillow
"Come here!" Nick picked you up and jumped around
"Wake.up! Wake.up! Why. Are. You. Sleeping!?" He said jumping around with you in his arm,
He threw you back on the bed and tickle attacked you
"Stop! I'm up I'm up!" You yelled screamed for your life to get way from the tickles
"You better be, now come on, we don't want anyone taking our home now do we?" He said getting up and start packing the food and water that was bought for you
You started packing your clothes and shoes
"Hay (y/n).. guess what I found today"
Nick said holding something behind his hands
"What?" You asked as you tried to peek what it was
Nick pulled out a little bear from the back of him
"Oh my god its so cute!" You said you grabbed the bear and hugged it tightly

"When I saw it, it made me think of you.. thought you would have liked it"
You looked up at nick and threw yourself at him
"Thank you" You laughed
"No problem kiddo, come on.. let's go"

- time pass -

You had your backpack filled and ready to go
You had black old shoes that nick got you
You had a black pants and a white long sleeved shirt under the winter coat nick gave you in the beginning
He always wanted to buy you your own but you liked wearing his
It was better in a way

Nick still had a plan white dress shirt and black pants and black shoes to match, nothing else

Walking up to the gate of diamond city
Nick held your hand tightly
Obviously nervous but not sure of what
Nick spoke to a guard
"We'd like to get in please.." nick said
The guard looked at nick then down at you
The guard approved and slammed his fist on the gate
The gate slowly opened
Walking in you felt eyes on you, making you get closer to nick
"Just ignore it kid, I know.." he said, his voice calming you down

- nick got the house -

Nick walked down to you and showed you the keys
"We got it.." he smiled,
"Yes! Let's go see!" You said
Nick picked you up and gave you a piggy back ride on his back
Walking nick turned a corner and walked down a ally way
And into a red door
"This is it.. " he said and unlocked the door
You ran inside to check it out the whole front part was empty going to the back you see a set of stairs and a whole other room above
"Woah! This is sooo much bigger than the cabin!" You yelled out and extended your arms as far as they could go

"Just wait till we start filling it up with stuff, then it'll feel like home" he said smiling down at you

- days passed -

The days gone by your house filled
You had your small kitchen with another small living room
Nick thought that you should have the up stairs sense he doesn't sleep at all
You lived comfortably there but you still wanted to find and be with your mom and dad
You still did you walk to the Boston airport waiting for so long
You waited for days
Those days turned to weeks
Those weeks turned to mouths
Those mouths.. turned into years

2 years and a half
You've waited
2 years and a half, you've kept your hope
Hope that maybe one day they would come back for you
Hope that, they are alive

You where 8 years old, you were two years older but you've become so mature sense you were 6
You've learned how to shoot almost every weapon in the commonwealth
You've already learned that the world isn't always going to be like nick
Someone is always looking to kill with out a second thought
You learned so much that you could be on your own
You wanted to leave to maybe find your family at the capital wasteland
You remembered that they were heading there but you didn't think they leave there without you
Didn't want to go alone

You decided to go
You where home alone
Nick was out and working so you had more than enough time to think and pack up finally
You packed up your things
Getting your backpack you started to back as much food as you could
"It's a good thing he doesn't eat " you thought to yourself
You then started to back two set of clean clothes and filled up the rest of the space with ammo and packing a pistol for one extra gun
You quickly made your bed and left a note on the bed along side the teddy bear nick gave you
You felt a tear run down your eye
Nick was like a father to you he toke care of you
  You loved him

Your heart bounded
It made you feel like your heart was about to burst out of your chest
Getting up and threw your backpack over you back and made your way down stairs and grabbed your first gun that nick also got you
(Personally I love this gun)

Your heart bounded It made you feel like your heart was about to burst out of your chest Getting up and threw your backpack over you back and made your way down stairs and grabbed your first gun that nick also got you (Personally I love this gun)

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You grabbed your short hunting rifle and made your way to the door
Hesitated to open it
Taking a deep breath
"Goodbye nick, hope to see you again soon.. but with my family" you said and walked out leaving everything behind along with nick

- years passed -

You where now 17
You had made it to the capital wasteland in the search to finding your mom and dad, or at least to know what happened

You found them and the group camp site
But it was run over by other people
You saw your dads head cut off and placed in a pole along with a sign read
'Keep out'
This angered you and killed everyone that was life
You found your mom pined up against a wall with her stomach cut wide open all her intestines falling out
You cried for days
You wished that you never left be then thought if you did you would have ended up like them

You lived in the capital wasteland for a while longer once again packing your bags and headed to the Eastern coast
You where headed home.. the commonwealth

Metal Love (Nick Valentine x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt