Orange Colored Sky [BONUS]

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You rested your head on Nicks lap while he played with your hair.
You enjoyed the soft breeze gently blow your l/h, c/h hair.

You and nick sat in an area filled with lively green grass, blooming with the most beautiful flowers. The sky was a bright orange color.

I was walking along, minding my business,
When out of the orange colored sky,
Flash, bam, alacazam, Wonderful you came by

"Funny.. huh doll? The sky's are orange while listening to this song.." nick said with the most sweetest smile on his face, you couldn't help but to smile back

"You know doll, this song.. could be our song. "I was walking along, minding my business" then I see a little girl walking on the ice" he said with a smile remembering the old days

"Ahah, Yeah.. honestly I still think that would have been a great way to get threw if I didn't stop to pause for a bit" you said as you sat up realizing what nick did to your hair

(If you have long hair)
He tied up your hair into two braids and wrapped it around your head making it look like a crown and stuffed little daisy and other colorful flowers around your hair

(If you have short hair)
He made a flower crown made to perfectly sit around your head with little daisy and other colorful flowers around your hair

You loved the way your hair looked
You gave nick a wide smile and kissed him, your soft lips touched his, he couldn't pull away even if he wanted to

" and then, with a "flash, bam" and a "alacazam" you came into my life, and you where the best thing that could have ever happened to me.. I'm glad that I found you that day, I'm glad that I decided to take care of you" He said kissing your hand

I was walking along
Mindin' my business
When love came and hit me in the eye
Flash, Bam, Alakazam
Out of the orange colored sky

The radio played, and nick continued with on his charms, his voice was so calming, relaxing to listen too

" then when you found me in that vault that day, I couldn't recognize you. You where so beautiful I almost couldn't help myself and when I found out it was YOU.. oh doll, I couldn't help but to fall in love with you, and I knew that "love came and hit me in the eye" because I was falling head over heels for you.. sure we had our ups and downs, but that never stopped me from wanting to be with you." He said and he ran his hand across your cheek, putting the strings of hair out of your face and around your ear

Reviling your face more, and with that beautiful smile, those c/e eyes shining bright as ever. The same eyes and smile that melted this synths Metal heart.

You could feel your heat skip a beat with nicks words, you had that feeling of butterflies in your stomach. You where falling in love with nick all over again

You hugged nick and kissed him one last time. And listened to the radio as you allowed the winds blow your hair and your yellow dress that matched nicks eyes along with it.

In a long time, you felt happy, you felt like nothing could hurt you as long you were with nick.

And you knew he felt the same way, he held you like it was his final day of seeing you, hearing your voice, hearing your laughter.

He placed an ear on your chest and listened to your heart beat, you simply hugged him as you rest your chin on his head.

Nick wasn't in his detective outfit anymore. he had a clean, white dress shirt, with a black tie, Dark brown dress pants and black shoes.

"You know Nick, you looked better in your detective outfit" you said jokingly

He laughed and kissed you one last time
"And you always look amazing no matter what you wear, you'll always look beautiful in my eyes y/n"

You felt him pull your head closer
And you allowed it

He lays his lips on your forehead and pulls away

To then stand up on his two feet and walk away
You watched as the figure slowly disappear in the Orange Colored Sky

You should have felt sadness that this was your last time seeing nick
But for some reason

You couldn't help but smile

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