Just a little

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"Nick?" You asked yourself

"(Y/n)! I've been so worried! I-..." nick paused and looked at you fully

"I didn't know you, *clears throat* I didn't know you'd look so good like that.." he said looking away from you and fixed his tie nervously

You smiled and threw yourself on to him

"Oh nick.. you always were so obvious when it comes to me looking sexy just admit it! You want to fuuuck~ me!" You said singing the last part and rapped your arms around his neck

You laughed and threw your hair back

"(Y/n).. are you drunk?" Nick asked holding you

"Whaaaaat?!? I am a good girl!~ " you said singing again

"Ok.. your drunk come on, let's put you to bed.." he said picking you up bride style

You laughed

"Hi I'd like to rent a room please.. here's the caps " nick said to the woman in front
Putting you down to give her the caps
You waited for nick to face back to you
You jumped into his arms and rapped your arms around his head while he quickly grabbed your thighs to not drop you

"(Y/n)! Please!" Nick said holding you

"We are fucking tonight!" You yelled out loud holding your bottle of rum

If nick could blush he's face would bright red

"N-no we are not! She's just drunk! P-please ignore her!" Nick yelled out to making sure of everyone

You fake moaned out loud making sure everyone could hear

Nick quickly walked faster into the room and threw you to the bed

Nick sat down at the couch throwing his head back

"Your truly a mess.. please, if your ever gonna get drunk again. I'm definitely not going to be around" nick said closing his eyes

You get up from the bed and sit on top of nick pulling his tie bringing him closer to you

"You know.. I always had a strange feeling when it came to you.. but being out here with you.. just made me find out of what I've been missing" you said still drunk
You kissed nick
Nick was surprised of your actions
He wasn't sure what to do, he just sat there

Pulling you away
"Doll, I know your drunk.. this just doesn't feel right.." nick said

You tried to ignore him and kissed him again
But with more passion
Nick soon then feel into the kiss
Holding your waist
You let go of to his tie and rested your head on his chest

"Do you love me?" You asked nick

"I do but.. I'm not sure, i still see you as the little girl I met..I'm not sure if I can see you anything other than that.." nick said looking down

Your head hanged low you felt a wave of sadness hit you

"Nick.. I think.. I.." You said

Nick looked at you again

"You think what?" He said looking into your eyes

You quickly got off him and grabbed a bucket and threw up

"Oh god!" You heard nick say he quickly walked up behind you and pulled your hair back making sure it wouldn't get in the way

He rubbed your back and watched you

"Yeah.. just get it all out.. just.. all out.."

- time passed -

After finally finishing
Nick put you to bed making you lay on your sides so if you throw up you wouldn't drown in your vomit

Metal Love (Nick Valentine x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now