Martys Case

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Making your way to Faneuil Hall.

You and nick noticed many super mutant around the whole building

Hiding out
You noticed a super mutant with a rocket launcher

"Shit, Nick look.. one of them have a rocket launcher.." you said pointing it out

Nick looked around and saw a dead raider on the ground

"Well this guy has a sniper, you know how to use one?" Nick asked grabbed it and handing it to you

"Nick.. do you know who your talking to? Me! Of course I know how to use a sniper I surround myself in weapons.. and where did you get this?" You asked

Nick moved aside and showed you the raider on the ground

You decided to get closer to him and check him
You noticed he had pretty good loot

"Why would someone kill him and just leave him with all this loot?" You asked

"Maybe He was with someone else and they just ran off?" Nick suggested

"But why? Clearly you can't go by without looting.. this place is to dangerous.." you added in still thinking

Then your mind lit up
You grabbed an empty class of nuka cola and threw it at the ground near by the super mutants

You singled nick to stay quiet and keep a low head

You watched as ghoul creep out from there hiding spots

"Not bad.." you heard nick whispering

You heard the super mutants start attacking
You took your chance and aimed at the super mutant with the rocket launcher

Taking a deep breath trying to hold still and pulled the trigger

You watched as the super mutant drop
Nick patted your back in saying good job

Now that you took down the main big one

You and nick started to kill every super mutant

Pulling out your short hunting rifle
You Head shotted a super mutant
Getting down you quickly started to reload
Before you could finish you fell to the ground and saw a mutant hound pin you down

"Shit!" You yelled out

You used your gun as a guard
You watched as the hound bit on to your gun

You watched as the carvings on it start to get scratched off by the hounds teeth

This pissed you off
You used your legs under the hound to flip it over you throwing it behind you

Quickly taking a shot of jet
You finished reloading and shot the hound in the mouth just as it was about to bite you

The jet wore off

You dropped to the ground and ran your fingers crossed the carvings

Nicks heart was bearly notice able

"Ugh! You fucking asshole!" You yelled out and kicked the hound over and over again

"Hay Hay! Woah! Take it easy!" Nick pulled you away from the dog

"What's wrong?" Nick asked, you where to pissed off to speak so you showed him

You handed nick the short hunting rifle
Letting him examine it

"Oh doll.. well, at least you can still read (y/n) and Valentine.." nick said looking up at you
And realize that a tear fall from your eyes

Nick walked up to you and wiped it of with his normal hand
And held your cheek

Metal Love (Nick Valentine x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now