Working together

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You and nick walking side by side
Walking deeper into the dark alleyway

With a gun at your hand

You lowered the hat just enough to cover your face but enough for you to see

Walking slowly
You approach a man
Hidden behind Hotel Redford

"Put your hands in the air.. slowly" you spoke trying to make your voice sound deep like a man

You heard nick chuckled at the sound of a 'manly' voice coming form you

The man didn't put up much of a fight but he was still a killer that needed to be brought to justice

You and nick stood your ground and fired at the man

Watching his body fall

Walking up to him you left a calling card of the Silver Shroud that kent gave you to leave behind

Stuffing the card in the mans mouth but just enough to see
You walked away waiting for instructions

You over heard a near by radio

It was kent talking

You couldn't hear it clearly but it was just enough to find out your next location

Heading to the back allies again behind Daisy's shop

A drug dealer decided that selling drugs to kids was a good idea

You didn't really need any other reason to why you should kill him
Selling that type of crap to kids is just horrible and disgusting

Walking down there you saw the man
With two other triggermen

The dealer notices you

"Hay, look at the clown. This is my turf, clown. And I don't appreciate what-you-call-em.. trespassers.."

He spoke
As if he didn't piss you off already
You tired to clam down to stay in character

"Peddling poison to kids, Are we? today you face.. The Silver Shroud!" You spoke loud and proud but still a little embarrassed

Nick simply smiled
Watching your back eyeing down the two triggermen

"Uuuh.. who you say? Oh for god sake.. did Kent put you up to this?"

You didn't respond
You just kept your head low wanting to just finish the job

"Look, tell you what pal, I'll give you.. about 60 caps if you let this slide.. what you say?" He smiled cockily

You smiled
"60 caps? You can do better than that.." you said

Nick was surprised of you actions

"Alright... 100" AJ
Still with his arms crossed

Your eyed him down with one eye brow raised

"Oh come on, a dealer like you.. selling drugs to kids.. must be getting a lot of caps.." you said as you shined your short hunting rifle a bit

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