"This way first year gryffindors!" The prefects yelled. Adrien walked with Nino to the door. "In here is the common room. The password you must say to the fat lady in the portrait is Many Mumbling Mice. Don't tell anyone not in the house. The password is changed after the holidays and a new one will be announced then unless of an emergency. Understood?" He explained. Everyone nodded. They all ran into the common room in awe. "Boys dormitories to the right and girls to the left. Everything you need is on your beds." With that he left. Nino and Adrien ran up the stairs. When they reached their room they saw their belongings on their beds. Plagg meowed at Adrien, signifying that he was hungry. Adrien reached into his suitcase and fed the cat cheese.

"Your cat eats cheese?" Nino asked him, confused because cats shouldn't eat cheese.

"Yeah. He's weird. He refuses to eat anything else." Adrien said and shrugged. After that two more boys ran in. "Hello."

"Hi. I'm Kim. Great to meet you." Kim introduced himself. He ran to his bed and jumped onto it.

"I'm Adrien. That's Nino. What about you?" Adrien asked the other boy.

"My name's Luka. I'm a second year but they don't have enough beds in the second year's room so I'll be here." Luka explained. He sat on the fourth bed with his guitar. "Are you excited for tomorrow?"

"Definitely dude. You play guitar?" Nino asked him. Luka nodded. "Yeah."

"I play piano." Adrien added. He just wanted to be involved.

"Sweet. Kim, you play?" Luka asked the kid on the verge of being asleep.

"I'm pretty good at drums." Kim said. He sat up on his bed.

"I'm a DJ. Maybe we should form a band?" Nino suggested. Adrien nodded in agreement. Kim shrugged and laid back down.

"Sweet. Let's do it. We just need two more people." Luka said. "Someone who can sing and a bass player."

"Let's make it a gryffindor band." Kim piped in. The guys nodded. "Now can we stop talking. I'm tired and ready to sleep." Kim rolled over and shut his curtains. Adrien turned to Nino and laughed at him.

"Wanna head downstairs?" Adrien asked them. Nino and Luka nodded and the three headed down to the common room. When they got there Adrien saw Marinette and Alya sitting near the fireplace. Marinette made eye contact with him and smiled. Adrien waved back. It was their thing.

"Dude. Dude. Dude. Why are you smililing?" Nino asked him.

"Not why he's smiling Nino, who is he smiling at." Luka pointed out. "It's the bluenette right. I saw her at the station. She is pretty cute."

"No it's not like that. She's my friend." Adrien argued.

"How'd you dudes meet? I thought Chloe was holding onto you the whole time." Nino asked.

"I fell on top of her." Adrien's friends started to laugh.

"Is that how you make all your friends." Nino said laughing.


"Let's go sit by your friends Adrien." Luka said and lead them to another couch near them. "Wanna play wizard's chess?"

"I'm terrible at that game." Adrien said and slunk into his chair.

"I have no clue what that is." Nino said and sat by Adrien. Luka turned to the girls.

"Hello. Either of you wanna play wizard's chess?" Luka asked them. Marinette nodded and started to play with him. Adrien turned to face Alya.

"Listen Alya I know we got off in the wrong foot but I-" Adrien started to apologize before Alya interrupted him.

"You're lucky Marinette here thinks you're good otherwise we'd have a problem." Alya said quickly. "My name's Alya and that's Marinette. Resident Gryffindors. You?"

"My name's Adrien and this is Nino. Also resident gryffindors." Adrien replied. She smiled in relief.

"Good. You're not some Slytherin Spy." She laughed. Then she stopped. "Unless you're lying." Adrien gulped. She was scary.

"Yes! I won! I am the champion of wizard chess!" Marinette cheered.

   "Good job Marinette!" Adrien said and smiled. Nino rolled his eyes at Alya and she started hysterical laughing. Adrien and Marinette turned around confused.

   "Nice win there. Hey, do you two play any instruments?" Luka asked. Alya grabbed Marinette by the shoulders.

   "I play a little bit of bass but Mari here is an amazing singer." Alya exclaimed. Marinette blushed at the compliment and Adrien smiled a bit when he saw it.

   "Alya! No- I mean i- uh. I dabble in singing- but not really- I mean i do but- I'm not amazing - I'm average?" Marinette stuttered. Adrien tried not to laugh at his friend's shyness.

   "So me and my boys Adrien, Nino, and Kim are forming a Gryffindor band and would love for you girls to be in it." Luka said.  Alya answered for them both.

   "Yea we'd love to, right Mari. Great. Let me know in the morning when practice starts. Bye bye boys!" Alya said rushing Marinette out of the room before she can say anything.

   "Yup. She's definitely a cute one." Luka chuckled. Adrien felt a tinge inside. "Goodnight guys." And he left. Nino started to yawn as well.

   "Hate to leave you here alone bro but I'm tired. Night." And then Nino left too. Slowly everyone left the common room but Adrien stayed by the fire, thoughts racing through his mind a mile a minute, yet there was only one that stood out to him.

   'How do I tell my father I'm in Gryffindor?'

      1514 words

A Miraculous Year at Hogwarts (Miraculous Ladybug Harry Potter AU)  •ABANDONED•Where stories live. Discover now