Chapter 12 ~ The Truth

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As many weeks went by Amelia was still in her room sleeping with still a high fever Dante continued to watch over her even more while his partner was patrolling outside in the garden Shadow was in the infirmary recovering slowly while for Calem he was in his office doing files until he heard a knock on the door "come in" answered Calem as the door opened up a tall slim figure wearing a expensive suit which was fully red including his tie except his shirt which was white and his shoes pure black his long blue hair was in a ponytail and his emerald green eyes glimmered in the sunlight as he grinned at Calem who looked up at the figure glaring "what are you doing here Thomas" said Calem with a growl. Once Shadow was fully recovered he walked out of the infirmary and headed to the lift until he spotted Kaji returning from the garden "hey Kaji how are you" Shadow asked him Kaji turned to look at him then smiled softly "i am doing alright how are your injuries doing" he replied Shadow looked at his bandaged wounds and smiled softly "they are healing very well and where is Calem" he asked as Kaji remained silent for a moment then looked at Shadow "in his office" he said as Kaji walked off Shadow blinked and watched Kaji walk off wondering if he was okay. As Shadow walked to the lift the lift door opened up he stepped inside then pressed the 3F button the lift door closed up and it began to make it's way up to 3F as it arrived the lift stopped and its door opened up Shadow walked out of the lift then headed down the hall until he reached two white double doors he stopped and as he was about to raise his fist to knock on the door he heard two people talking he could tell that one of them was Calem but the other one he couldn't make out until he heard the door opening Shadow stepped aside as the tall slim figure walked out Thomas looked at Shadow then smirked as he walked past Shadow glared a bit then walked inside Calem's office closing the door then leaned on the wall with his arms crossed "ah Shadow is so good to see you" he said as he was sipping his herbal tea and relaxing a bit in his chair,"care to explain who that was Calem" Shadow asked him as he looked over to Calem waiting for a response. 

A few hour later Amelia woke she looked around then sat up feeling a bit better but still had the fever she held her head Dante was asleep in his chair looking around she got of bed putting her shoes on she walked out of the room then headed to the lift using the wall as a support until she reached the lift pressing the 3F button the lift's door opened up as she walked in weakling still coughing badly the door's closed and it started to make it's way up to the thrid floor. As the lift arrived it stopped and the door's opened up Amelia walked out and walked down the hall until shge reached the double door to her brother's office but before she could knock placed a ear on the door and began to listen to a certain conversation "she will need to learn the truth Shadow about you" said Calem Shadow then replied "in a due time she will learn that i am her brother well shall say long lost brother" as Amelia heard this her eyes widened and placed a hand on her mouth as tears fell down her cheeks she then backed away from the door as it opened up Calem and Shadow saw their sister "A..amelia" said Calem as he went to hug their sister but she pushed him away and ran over crying she began to think to herself why didn't none of their parents tell her about this Calem and Shadow went after their sister Shadow managed to grab her hand and made her look into his eyes her tears continue to fall heavily "w..w..why.." she said quietly then fainted passing out Shadow scooped her up in his arms "Calem once Amelia is fully healed we shall tell her everything" he said as he looked at Calem who nodded in agreement as both walked to the lift as it door's open both of them got in and pressed the 2F button and the lift began to make it's way down to the second floor as it arrived it stopped the door opened up Shadow walked out first with Calem following behind heading to Amelia's room on the way Calem spotted Kaji and Dante running over and giving a sigh of relief Kaji noticed that she has been crying because of the truth she found out and frowned as soon Shadow arrived and entered his sister's bedroom he placed her down removing the shoes he covered her up and sat on the edge of the bed holding his sister's hand now that she knows the truth about him. 

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