Chapter 5 ~ The Escape

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Once Shadow finished helping Amelia with the dishes both of them walked out of the kitchen then headed into the living room Shadow sat down on the sofa followed by Amelia but she laid down then rested her head on his lap Shadow blushed a little as he began to stroke her hair Amelia blushed as well but relaxed as she enjoyed it so much until a hour later she fell asleep once Shadow noticed that she was asleep he carefully picked her up into his arms then got up and carried her upstairs then to her room. Once he entered her room Shadow carefully walked over to Amelia's bed then placed her down on the bed taking her shoes off he pulled the cover on her smiling a bit then walked out closing the door Shadow then headed to his room up on arriving he saw a hooded figure leaning on the wall Shadow grabbed his sword which had a dark steel blade with gold handle beautiful designed and on it's hilt it had a red ruby gem on it he then pointed it at the figure "who are you and how did you enter" he said in a angry voice then figure who was leaning on the wall he leaned forward then removed his hood revealing his dark blondish hair and his green emerald eyes "it is a pleasure to meet you again Shadow" the boy said Shadow put his sword down onto his bed then looked at the boy "i remember you your the one who saved me on that day" he said the boy nodded in agreement "and you must aware that i am your brother as well Shadow these past few years i have watched my sister grow so much and how much she looks like our mother but this place won't be safe for her any longer Japanese forces are coming to invade this area so you must prepare soon i will try to hold off some of the forces but i don't know how long" he replied back and turned around pulling his cloak up "protect Amelia shadow" that was the last word he said then jumped out of the window and vanished out of sight Shadow began to think if he should trust him or not but he had no choice because the boy was right the Japanese forces are coming to attack seeing the sun rising he quickly ran out of his and ran to Amelia's up on arriving he saw her awake and was standing near the window looking out gripping her locket that was around her neck then turned to look at Shadow "they are coming aren't they Shadow" she said and he nodded in agreement he walked over,he then hugged her tightly and close to him "it is going to be alright Amelia i will protect you but we must hurry and pack" he said after hugging her. 

Amelia quickly went to pack her things Shadow left his room and headed to his quickly then entering his room he saw the two lads grinning "you think we were gonna let you escape with Amelia eh Shadow" he said as Shadow clutched his fist then grabbed his sword "so you two were in it all along eh and for what for the money!" he yelled both of the boys grinned and charged at him but in no seconds flat both were knocked out on the bedroom floor shadow began to pack once he was finished he quickly sheathed his sword into the sword case then placed it on the belt grabbing his bags he ran out then headed into Amelia's. The sun has rose into the sky and the forces began to invade the part of the City and the school Amelia saw Shadow and ran over to him he grabbed her hand then both ran for their lives out of the building but along the way they were ambushed by the Japanese forces but none stood up to Shadow as he defeated them all, once the path were clear both continued to run down the stairs and out of the building both headed to the stables Amelia wondered why they were going there until she arrived and entered Amelia saw three horses two had been saddled already by two Students one having Purple hair,grey eyes the other one had white hair and red eyes "about take your time Shadow" one of the said "well sorry but you couldn't helped me!" shadow replied in the anger then walked over to a beautiful black stallion with a crescent moon on it's shoulder blade he tied the bags to the saddle and the others to the other horse one was white and the other one chestnut one,once that was sorted Shadow quickly got on the black stallion,pulling Amelia up to the front of the saddle all three pulled the horses reigns they neighed and galloped out of the stables then out of the academy,head into the City through out the rubbles and Chaos of the city they galloped through it until they reached the city gates entrance quickly the horses one by one went through it, once they were save and almost out of the City's distance all three of them stopped their horses and looked behind them as there was lot of shouting,yelling,screaming and weapons going off Amelia remained silent as she saw it all some tears fell down her cheeks Shadow hugged her tightly then the three continued until arrived at the forest.

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