Chapter 9~The Fever

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Now that Amelia has be reunited with her brother Calem she continued to cry in his chest until she fell asleep Calem looked at her sister smiling Shadow walked over then scooped Amelia into his arms "I will lead you the way to her room please follow me" Calem said in a soft tone voice all three nodded then followed him out of the main room and down the hall going into the lift once all four got in Calem pressed the 2F button the lifts door closed and then it began to move upwards once it reached the second floor it stopped the doors opened up then Calem walked out heading down a hall until he reached a door then he stopped. Once he stopped at the door he opened it up Shadow along with Kaji and Dante entered the room Shadow walked over to Amelia's bed then placed her down gently covering her up once taking her shoes off and kisses her forehead Calem watched with a smile on his face then walked out all three of them followed him, Calem then lead the three to their individuals room once that was taken care of he showed them where to find the cafeteria by getting into the lift once again once the four was in the lift Shadow pressed the 1F button the elevetaor's door closed and it started to move down,upon arrive on the 1F the elevator opened its doors Calem along with Shadow,Kaji and Dante followed him down the hall and around a corner then down another hall until they entered the cafeteria, all three looked around as their stomach growled "feel free to have anything as you want and i see you soon okay" said Calem as he turned around then walked out he then headed back into the Elevator's 2F button in which the doors closed and began to move up until it reached the 2F stopping softly the doors opened up, he walked out then down the hall up on reaching and entering Amelia's room he opened the door slowly and entered seeing his sister safe he smiled then walked to her slowly he sat down on her bed without waking her and began to stroke her beautiful hair "i am so sorry Amelia for so much pain and sadness i brought to you but i promise i will protect you no matter what sister and that is a promise to you" he said quietly then kissed her forehead getting up he walked out and closed the door as Amelia continued to sleep as Calem headed to his office which was located on the third floor so once getting the lift he pressed the 3F button the elevator's doors closed and up it went. 

Once everyone was in bed that night Amelia began to toss and turn groaning a little as she started to develop a fever all of a sudden as soon the night passed and day slowly started to come Amelia's door opened up slowly then in came Calem to check on his sister he walked over then felt her forehead he gasped "oh no sis you have a high fever hang on" he said as he quickly ran out and headed out of the room Shadow saw Calem and approached him "hey Calem whats wrong?" he said in a slight worried voice. Calem stopped then looked at Shadow "Amelia has a high fever and i need someone to watch her while i get the doctor" he replied Shadow nodded and agreed to look after Amelia while Calem headed to go find a doctor Shadow entered Amelia's room, he sat on the bed then held her hand stroking her beautiful long blonde hair worried about her Amelia coughed heavily and groaned as she opened her eyes weakly then looked at Shadow "S..shadow.." she said as she coughed badly gripping her chest "Shhh don't say anything Amelia please just rest okay" he replied then kissed her forehead Amelia nodded then went back closing her eyes he began to sing a song he knew from his child hood Amelia laid there listening to it until Calem came back with the doctor the doctor quickly ran over then began to check her temperature he also listened to her chest once he was finished he looked at Calem then Shadow "she does have a high fever and it is best she stays in bed well rested and make sure she drinks plently of fluids" he said as he walked out Calem sighed and followed the doctor while Shadow continued to remain by Amelia's side singing and stroking her hair more as a tear fell down his cheek but he quickly wiped it away few hours goes by as Dante entered into the room then carefully placed a hand on Shadow's shoulder "come on Shadow go get something to eat i will watch her" Dante said in a soft tone of voice Shadow nodded then got up and walked out closing the door while Dante sat down he looked at Amelia "don't worry your highness we will protect you and your brother's as well" he said in a soft tone of voice as through out the couple of hours he stayed in the spot watching over her. 

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