Chapter 1 ~ Dawn Of The New Day

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As the sun rose up behind the horizon its glimmering rays shined into Amelia's room on that beautiful Monday day and onto her eyes Amelia woke up with a groan as the beautiful rays woke her up she sat up in her bed in a beautiful decorated Mansion with everything in her room was expensive and luxurious amelia never grew up with real friends to begin with when she was at a young age at the age of 6 she was always loner especially on that day when her parent's got killed and been put up for adoption but the only thing that brings her hope is the locket around her neck that her brother gave her before he went into the war. A small knock was heard on the door as the handle turned the door opened amelia's adoptive mother entered she had brown shoulder length hair and beautiful Hazel eyes as she wore the office uniform as she was the head of hers and amelia's adoptive father company which both worked over the week including sometimes abroad she smiled towards amelia "your breakfast is ready amelia and sorry i can not take you to school today me and your father are really busy today but William will take you to school today so get dressed and eat your breakfast okay" her mother said to amelia then walked out of the door as amelia sighed and looked at her locket,tears began to fall down her cheek of how much she is missing her brother but she wiped them away and started to get ready like her mother told her to do once she finished she walked down out of her room then down the stairs from there she put her shoes on and walked into the kitchen amelia noticed that once again she was alone eating breakfast as her adoptive parents had to leave early for work she already got used to it then walking over to the table amelia sat and began to eat once her breakfast was placed in front of her thanking the maid, once Amelia finished she picked up her bag then got up walking out of the kitchen then headed out of the door as she did amelia walked to her limo opening it up she got inside then closed the door "are you ready Miss Amelia" said William who was the main Limo driver and friend of Amelia since the age of 6 she smiled a bit then nodded as the limo began to drive towards the school once leaving the drive way.

As the Limo that Amelia was in she kept looking at her locket and tears fell once again but before William seen it she quickly wiped them away but William noticed it in his front review Mirror "are you okay Miss Amelia" he asked Amelia but knowing amelia she would lie to him saying she is alright but deep inside she wasn't alright as she was missing her brother deeply and hoping that the story she heard that her brother must be alive. As the Limo approached the school it stopped outside of the gates once it did amelia opened the door getting out while holding her bag "i will be back later to pick you okay Miss Amelia and have a nice time" he said Amelia nodded then closed the limo door as it drove off turning around so she was facing the school she walked through the gates, heading to her first class along the way people glared and gave her nasty looks making her feel upset and feel bad as she approached her class she entered the whole class who were talking stopped then looked at Amelia with a glare, Amelia went to her seat as usual then looked down as the teacher Mr Hallam started to teach the whole class while Amelia looked around the class every student was glaring at her she sank down into her chair with tears falling everyone hated Amelia because of what she was a rich girl who never cares about anyone but Amelia was a nice and kind person deep inside willing to protect anyone who was in danger but she couldn't prove it to them because of how much they frightened her and made her go into a shell that she couldn't escape from, when the bell rang she gathered her stuff along with her bag she got up then walked out of the class and down the hall heading towards the next class but when she got there she saw the three boys grinning and glaring at her one grabbed her by the arm then pinned her to the wall whispering something in her ear then the three walked off laughing amelia stood there rubbing her arm then entered into her class room walked to her seat then sat down as tears fell down heavily. 

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