Chapter 8 ~ The Reunion

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Now that Shadow,Kaji,Dante and Amelia were being held prisoner's no one couldn't escape as Shadow,Dante and Kaji both sat on their bed's in their cells thinking if Amelia is alright ever since she has been taken somewhere else but the three didn't know that there were some friendly allies disguised as Japanese Army waiting for their orders to break Dante,Kaji and Shadow out and the other group is to free Amelia who was being held prisoner by the boss located in another base. As soon the signal was given to the allies they started to cause havoc and causing damage along the way,Kaji,Dante and Shadow seen the havoc and chaos outside until one of the allies approached their cell and broke down the door Shadow was surprised but was on Guard the other allie who tipped his hat a bit at them handed them their weapons "quick follow us we know where they are keeping Amelia" he said as the two ran Shadow,Kaji and Dante both looked at each other then followed them through the building and into the area once their horses arrived all three got on then helped the allies up pulling on the reigns the horses neighed and galloped towards the other base with the directions along with the allies that was behind them a few minutes later the allies along with Shadow,Dante and Kaji joined up with the other group of allies stopping their horses all three dismounted and then kneeled beside them "so what is the situation?" said Kaji one of the allies looked at him "this whole is place is crawling with soldiers but i know that Amelia is being kept prisoner in the main room" he said as he pointed to the highest building in the middle Shadow looked at it and prepared to unsheath his sword "i see but how are we going to get in there without being detected" said Dante the other ally took out a blue print then rolled it out everyone looked at it then Shadow noticed that there was a way in once everyone gone over the plan all of them started to sneak around the back without being detected and entered the building then they began to spilt up once they did the allies began one at a time to take out the soldiers along the way, until they reached the door leading into the main room Shadow kicked it open and ran in then dashed towards the boss unsheathing his sword then swinging it the boss unsheathed his and their sword clashed with a powerful impact as Shadow was sent flying into the wall once he hit the wall he fell to the ground. 

Kaji and Dante both ran to Shadow and helped him up while the boss laughed "is that the best you got stupid boy and you don't know who you are messing with!" he said with a smirk on his face Shadow got up and growled then saw Amelia handcuffed to the radiator "You will pay for what you have done!" shadow yelled then charged towards Martin slashing him with more power Martin blocked the attack but he was sent flying into a wall badly hurt he fell to the ground. Shadow then turned running over to Amelia he slashed the handcuff off her wrist then he picked her up in his arms he looked at Martin and glared then walked out Martin got up and dashed towards Shadow but a sword went straight through him which was Kaji's he pulled it out Martin fell onto the ground growling weakly as Kaji sheathed his sword and followed Shadow along with the allies out of the room,down the hall and into the elevator until they exited the building not saying a word Shadow walked over to his horse then got into the saddle with one arm while holding Amelia in his other arm being quiet he waited for the allies to join him along with Kaji and Dante who were mounting onto their horses the leader of the allies began to show Shadow,Kaji and Dante to their hide out which was not very far but was well hidden a few minutes felt like a few hours but in the end they reached the hideout Shadow and the other two stopped their horses and dismounted Shadow put Amelia down onto her feet then they followed the leader of the ally inside Shadow,Kaji and Dante looked around as they walked down the corridors in a glass tube the outside of the hideout was beautiful and amazing until they reached the main room, the ally knocked on the door a voice told the ally to enter and so he did "Sir we have them here?" he said the leader nodded "let them in" he said the Ally nodded then stepped aside for Shadow,Dante,Kaji and Amelia to enter once they did the male who had a cloak on turned around looking at the three then at Amelia, "it has been a long time dear sister" he said in a soft tone of voice Amelia was confused wondering why did he call her sister as the leader removed his hood Amelia's eyes widened and tears fell down once she seen her brothers face "BIG BROTHER!!!" she yelled then ran into his arms hugging him tightly and crying, he smiled and stroked her hair while hugging her close as tears fell down his cheeks softly.

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